We are in the Comment Period for the 2045 General Plan, and this Plan is NOT Clear. It's Trying to Take Our Rights Away!

Please help by emailing your comments on this General Plan, and you can use the letter below as your email.

If you find anything false, please email me the links you found to prove what is true. Email me at bigislandtalk@gmail.com 


You can use the information below as your testimony in emails and Zoom or in-person council meetings.

The General Plan is very long. You will understand what they want to do if you only read the Objectives and Actions throughout their plan. 

The information below has General Plan page numbers with links I found to try and explain what their GP is saying because their wording is extremely unclear

Go to this link to stay informed about when the County Council Meetings will be. You can email them before the deadline, or Attend via Zoom, or in person is always best:  https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/action.

Here is the General Plan's New Map link of Big Island's Future if no one stands up and comments. They are changing a lot of Land Use Titles! Private Land Use to Recreation and High-End lands from Agriculture to Rural:  https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/f073ef273f054cea97b12bf658def023/page/Land-Use/ 

Big Island County 2045 General Plan   https://www.planning.hawaiicounty.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/308136/638597487229830000

Email Your Testimony to:

lpctestimony@hawaiicounty.gov, wpctestimony@hawaiicounty.gov, cdp@hawaii.gov, GeneralPlan@hawaiicounty.govrebecca.villegas@hawaiicounty.gov, heather.kimball@hawaiicounty.gov, jennifer.kagiwada@hawaiicounty.gov, dennis.onishi@hawaiicounty.gov, ashley.kierkiewicz@hawaiicounty.gov, matt.kanealii-kleinfelder@hawaiicounty.gov, michelle.galimba@hawaiicounty.gov, holeka.inaba@hawaiicounty.gov, james.hustace@hawaiicounty.gov, 

The Testimony You Can Copy, Paste, Email, and Use during County Council Meetings:

100% of the Community has been AGAINST this General Plan at the in person meetings.

For one, this plan was NOT written for ordinary citizens to understand. 

In some of its explanations, it does NOT use the exact title but abbreviations, which it does NOT explain.

It does NOT FULLY explain their "Master Plans" or "Impact Ordinances Fees," and it does NOT make many other items clear in this General Plan.

This General Plan should be clear, and it's NOT. It feels very SHADY and brings feelings of CORRUPTION, and there are links that show our rights could be taken away if this General Plan is implemented. 

The 2045 General Plan looks to want to do all of this:

As you will see below the General Plan talks about "Clustering" us into "PUD" living through their TDR Program that will, "When the Government undertakes compulsory acquisition of individual land parcels for creating infrastructural projects... https://www.hdfc.com/blog/property-and-real-estate/transferable-development-rights-tdr-concept 

Page 79

9.3 Zoning, subdivision, and other applicable ordinances shall provide for and protect open space areas.

What does the county mean by “other applicable ordinances”? Because an Ordinance is “a law or rule made by a government or authority” What rules does the county want to put on ALL of us because they are not explaining this in their GP. 

The above info was taken from this site: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/ordinance

9.4 Support mechanisms, such as PUD and Cluster Plan Development (CPD), that group parcel density to preserve open space, recreational areas, or scenic viewsheds.

The GP DOES NOT explain what a PUD means.

Taken from this site: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/what-is-a-planned-unit-development/

"A planned unit development, or PUD, is a community of single-family homes, and sometimes condos or townhomes, where every homeowner belongs to a homeowners association (HOA)." 

Taken from this site: https://www.zillow.com/learn/what_is_pud/

"To most home shoppers, a planned unit development (PUD) may look like a single-family home. But the legal structure for a PUD is more similar to that of a condo and can impact the mortgage process."

"Again, you’ll need to read all these documents to determine whether that specific PUD is right for you. And remember, all PUDs are different, so each one will have its own set of rules and restrictions."

9.6 In the review of discretionary permits, consider land use compatibility to ensure proximate compatible and complementary uses and appropriate mitigation measures.

What does the above sentence mean? Why isn't the General Plan written for ordinary citizens to understand?

It seems they want to "ensure proximate compatible and complementary uses and appropriate mitigation measures." What is "proximate compatible"? What are the "appropriate mitigation measure"? 

9.a Develop a process for County-initiated State land use boundary reclassification to best align State Land Use with County long-range plans.

The County has given letters to change Land Use Titles all over the Big Island. Does this mean the State wants to align with with the County and wants to "Develop a process for County-initiated State land use boundary reclassification to best align State Land Use with County long-range plans."

Is this allowing them to change land use boundaries through their "reclassification" on their maps?

Why are they trying to develop a process for the County to reclassify State land use boundaries?

What are the County long-range plans? 

Pages 80, 82 & 87 mention the TDR Program and THEY DO NOT EXPLAIN THIS PROGRAM

9.d Define the types of open space that are sought to be protected and establish standards to be applied to ensure its protection.

Will this definition be able to take private lands away? 

9.e Conduct a review and re-evaluation of the real property tax structure to simplify and assure compatibility with land use goals and policies

 What are their "goals and polices"?

9.f Study the feasibility, issues, and opportunities related to the development of a TDR program to strategically preserve open space and achieve density to remain consistent with the land use pattern in accordance with the General Plan Land Use Maps.

The General Plan doesn't explain what TDR means. It is the Transfer of Development Rights.

Taken from site: https://www.hdfc.com/blog/property-and-real-estate/transferable-development-rights-tdr-concept 

"When the Government undertakes compulsory acquisition of individual land parcels for creating infrastructural projects, it is required to compensate the land owners. The compensation provided by the Government is usually lower than the market rate, and hence they introduced the concept of Transferable Development Rights. These rights are obtained in the form of certificates, which the owner can use for himself or can trade in the market for cash."

Taken from site: https://njaes.rutgers.edu/highlands/transfer-development-rights.php?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2oM9RMwZPEYeQr6caNxt8RgLcBN3sJxBgaEBt7qO6VzR_wnGkmCnSWreE_aem_1ZCug_WZHv82MykEkHL3qw

"A TDR program seeks to preserve landowners' asset value by moving the right to build a house from a location where development is prohibited (e.g., for environmental reasons) to a location where development is encouraged."

The GP looks to give the full rights over Big Island land because it is the county that will decide the “environmental reasons” for incorporating land into the TDR program, which aims to give them full control over all the lands on Big Island and tell us where we can live by “prohibiting” areas from development.

"In the place where development is encouraged under TDR, zoning is changed to permit more units to be built." This sentence explains that a TDR program builds "units" and gives the county full rights to tell people where they can and cannot build homes through their TDR program.

“Because the money from this change in zoning is a windfall to current landowners in the development zone, the state is justified in laying claim to this money and turning it over to people whose development rights were taken away as a result of the environmental regulation.”

General Plan Page 87

Everything below is to enforce their TDR program that they are not explaining. 

13.1 Encourage flexibility in the design of residential sites, buildings, and related facilities to achieve a diversity of socio-economic housing mix and innovative means of meeting the market requirements.

13.2 Prioritize increase in density, rehabilitation, and redevelopment within existing zoned urban areas already served by basic infrastructure, or close to such areas.

13.4 Encourage the rehabilitation and/or utilization of maximum density in multi-family residential areas.

13.8 Focus on medium- and high-density residential and commercial uses in communities that can sustain a higher intensity of uses and where consistent with General Plan Land Use Map and existing town character

13.9 Support the rezoning of land to multiple residential near places of employment, retail, utilities, and educational, recreational, cultural, and public facilities.

This site https://records.hawaiicounty.gov/weblink/DocView.aspx?dbid=1&id=56156, click on Hawai‘i Land Use Regulatory System explains that Land Use Boundaries are initially set by the State Land Use Commissioner and can be changed by County Council Ordinances, which is what this General Plan seems to be trying to do to land all over Big Island.

The links above also state, "the law also allows the state to conduct a period boundary review."

 The GP Land Use Map has already sent letters to private landowners saying they have “Rezoned” their Land Use Titles. Some of these people have been at the meetings, saying that their Land Use Titles are now recreation lands that the landowner cannot pass on to their family or sell. 

Who gives the county this right to change Land Use Titles? How is this legal?


2045 General Plan Page 149


s 30.1 Treat broadband access as a basic utility that is available to all communities.


The county doesn’t explain that “broadband” is 5G 22 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Broadband Connection.

Broadband definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadband

"In telecommunications, broadband or high speed is the wide-bandwidth data transmission that exploits signals at a wide spread of frequencies or several different simultaneous frequencies, and is used in fast Internet access. The transmission medium can be coaxial cableoptical fiberwireless Internet (radio), twisted pair cable, or satellite."

The term “broadband” refers to high-speed and high-bandwidth communication infrastructure.

“Broadband is the transmission of high-quality data of wide bandwidth. In its simplest form, it is a high-speed internet connection that is always on. Broadband connections include Wi-Fi, DSLs, fiber, and satellites.”

Taken from this site:https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/broadband.asp

Broadband will always be on. The county has NOT researched the health risks of this.

30.2 Develop and support a program of free, public-use broadband services at appropriate County-owned facilities, mass transit facilities, and other community anchor institutions.

What do they mean by “community anchor institutions”? What kind of institution do they want to create?

30.12 Plan for broadband infrastructure to support smart grid development

The county doesn’t mention wanting to turn the Big Island into a Smart City, and implementing a Smart Grid is the first step in this process.


“A smart grid alone does three things. First, it modernizes power systems through self-healing designs, automation, remote monitoring and control… Thus, a smart grid sits at the heart of the smart city, which cannot fully exist without it”.

Also, a Smart Grid will allow them to have more control through “remote monitoring,” which will fully take our privacy away.

Smart Grid Info:


“Privacy and Data Security:
Smart cities rely heavily on the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data from sensors, cameras, and connected devices. This data is crucial for optimizing city operations and services. However, the extensive data gathering raises concerns about privacy infringement and data security. Citizens worry about their personal information being accessed or misused.”

What are Smart Grids and Smart Cities? The county does not explain this in the General Plan. It looks like they are hoping no one will research it. https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-Smart-Grid.html

"The Smart Grid also inherits their associated drawbacks. Exploiting these vulnerabilities can lead to severe consequences such as privacy breaches, cascading failures, or even system-wide blackouts."

"However smart grids, being computerized remote-control systems overseeing electricity distribution, are vulnerable to cyberattacks." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584402414011X

30.3 Collaborate with utility companies to incentivize the underground siting of electrical and telecommunications facilities within public rights-of-way

30.4 Continuously improve the use of broadband communications and digital technology to educate and provide public services with a focus on digital access.

30.5 Siting of new communications facilities shall comply with performance standards and site colocation as stated in the Code.

The above sentences are confusing because it looks like the county doesn’t want us to understand that to create “telecommunications facilities fully,” they must put Cable underground; hence, they use the wording “ underground siting.” So, we don’t fully understand the consequences of laying cable under our streets.  

They seem to want to confuse us, because “sitting” sounds better than causing serious traffic to dig up all the roads to lay down this kind of cable all over the Big Island, which will cost billions.

Page 150

30.b Develop standards for the siting and construction of wireless telecommunication facilities.

This site explains what the General Plan doesn't explain about "siting and construction" https://primex.com/fiber-optic-internet-going-underground/ 

"The widespread adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home technology has internet service providers (ISPs) and integrators on the hunt for the most effective methods of broadband delivery for many scenarios.  

"The cable will be closer to the surface and more vulnerable to damage. In this case, a more expensive cable that can withstand contact will be required. Cables buried in clay will also need to be of higher quality because the clay can hold stones and push them against the cable. In clay, the trench will also need to be much deeper.

In developed areas, the existing infrastructure can be problematic. Digging through concrete sidewalks and roads is costly and disruptive."

The traffic on Big Island has been increasing every month, and they want to dig up our two lane roads to "sit" their "broadband infrastructure'? THEY ARE NOT ADDRESS INFRASTRACTURE ISSUES ON ISLAND.

This site explains that laying cable underground https://pulsefibre.co.uk/2023/06/15/when-more-is-less-the-risks-and-downsides-of-overbuild/

“Fibre overbuilds in the 21st century are becoming a widespread problem, with more fibre cable being laid on streets than can ever be utilised by the residents. Not only does this often cause mayhem on the roads, with closures and roadworks slowing traffic, but Fibre overbuilds can lead to countless negative effects on the environment, and the eventual rise in cost to the consumer and developer.” 

"Challenges of Smart Grids

Like other new and evolving technologies, transitioning to a smart grid presents some challenges, including:


  • High CapEx investment: For many projects, especially at generation plants or alternative energy installations, the funds required for extensive, complex projects are very high. ROI from large systematic projects can also take a long time to recoup. Fortunately, in some instances, costs can be offset by government grants, rebates, and credits. Open source architectures can also help reduce costs through standardization and accelerated development, which shortens project timelines.

  • Legacy equipment: Replacing or even retrofitting legacy equipment is not simple. Original builds were intended to last decades, and vendor lock-in is a major factor. Moreover, in the case of utilities, end customers often must be persuaded or incentivized to opt into new meters and programs.

  • Complexity: Smart grids rely on a vast system of components and technologies, making them immensely complex. There is also little standardization or interoperability in the edge and IoT solutions space. Working closely with technology partners to map, plan, and phase grid modernization efforts is critical to ensuring connectivity and successful operation.

  • Remote environments: Many organizations operate at remote sites or in emergency conditions, where there is little or no surrounding infrastructure, and it takes a considerable effort to send personnel. Ruggedized equipment, light infrastructure, creative connectivity solutions, and remote manageability capabilities are necessities to integrate these locations into the smart grid.

  • Security and data privacy: Due to their increased reliance on digital technologies, energy grids must be protected from physical attacks and cyber threats. Any solution used in the smart grid should provide robust, multilayered protection; be rigorously vetted to meet stringent security standards; and be actively managed to protect against the theft of personal data.

Transformation of the energy system is a global, complex, and lengthy challenge. Collaboration across industry, public, and private sectors is critical to individual and collective success.


The county is not focusing on the island’s issues, like the fact we already have serious traffic issues. They want to create more traffic problems by laying down fibre cable that will create a "Broadband/Smart Grid," hence a Smart City, and they are explaining this by using minimal wording to confuse and obscure their true intentions.

The county is not acknowledging that Hawai’i Electric does NOT have the kind of power a Smart Grid needs, which will add to the island's already-existing power issues.

News Article: https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/safety-and-outages/an-update-on-hawaii-island-power-generation

"An update on Hawaii Island power generation – how you can help

..there’s no one to call on for backup - we’re on our own.

That’s why we will need everyone to work together over the next month, and possibly longer, to conserve electricity. We are extremely tight on what we call our generation margin, the margin between the demand for electricity and our ability to supply it. This demand typically peaks on weekdays between 5 and 9 p.m. and that’s when the margin is most critical.”

The county has not provided any researched information on the health risks to people, animals, and the environment from “Broadband” which will always be on underground, and all over Big Island. 

Electronics 360 Article: https://electronics360.globalspec.com/article/11104/the-dangers-that-come-with-a-smart-grid

Re: The Dangers That Come with a Smart Grid
John Endres
2018-Feb-23 2:31 PM
“One very critical danger that comes with a "smart grid" was not mentioned: the adverse health effects from electromagnetic fields. Current estimates of people experiencing adverse health effects from wireless technology hover at around 5%--I am one of them. After the installation of a water utility smart meter at my place of work, I experienced an escalation of symptoms (over time) that started with headaches and ultimately culminated in a seizure (I lost control of my legs). One month prior to the smart meter installation I had a complete annual physical and was given a clean bill of health. I underwent a barrage of medical tests after a week of experiencing health symptoms (thyroid, EEG, MRI, etc.) and everything was normal. I did begin to feel some of the painful head and eye sensations (that I would feel near wireless sources) at the end of the MRI”.

The county does not acknowledge the health risks associated with their “Broadband/Smart Grid” plan, all the associated issues due to putting the fibre cables underground, or the fact that it will cost billions to create. They worded everything in their General Plan to sound like it would benefit everyone, and it wouldn’t!

30.9 Alleviate barriers and assist broadband projects with navigating through the regulatory permitting process.

They say “Alleviate barriers and assist broadband projects” are the barriers health regulations because the broadband will be on all the time?

What are the barriers the county is wanting to alleviate to create their broadband projects?

What is their "regulatory permitting process."?

The county mentions Broadband and a Smart Grid is the county also planning for an increase in cell towers? If so have they researched health issues because of cell towers?

There are cell towers on island where the top's are pointing straight at HWY's, homes, commercial areas, retirement homes…Because the island is mountainous, the tops of these cell towers are only a few feet from these areas. These areas are getting the full blast of the radiation.

Has the county looked into the health risks of this cell towers?  

Will they be allowing more towers to do this to our community?

On Palani Rd. and Queen K HWY, there are two cell towers whose tops are only a few feet from the HWY.

On Hualalai Rd., there is a cell tower facing a retirement home and it’s less than 100 ft away.

In Hawi town, there is a cell tower at a gas station. The top of the tower is directly across from residential homes.

Has the county checked these places to do any research on whether people are being affected by cell tower radiation before they keep allowing and agreeing to more cell towers?

Physicians For Safe Technology Article: https://mdsafetech.org/cell-tower-health-effects/

“Overall results of this review show three types of effects by base station antennas on the health of people: radiofrequency sickness (RS), cancer (C) and changes in biochemical parameters (CBP). Considering all the studies reviewed globally (n = 38), 73.6% (28/38) showed effects: 73.9% (17/23) for radiofrequency sickness, 76.9% (10/13) for cancer and 75.0% (6/8) for changes in biochemical parameters...Of special importance are the studies performed on animals or trees near base station antennas that cannot be aware of their proximity and to which psychosomatic effects can never be attributed.”

Will there be any health and safety research and studies on what a safe distance and a safe number of cell towers should be for human bodies, trees, and animals?

30.i Pursue partnerships and funding for broadband initiatives and deployments

30.j Support the coordination of infrastructure projects between the public and private sectors to create areas for the deployment of broadband zones

30.k Seek federal and other opportunities for the funding of broadband infrastructure.

The above information from their General Plan shows that the county seriously wants Broadband on this island. It would cause serious traffic because of having to dig up roads to lay "sit" cable, and they say nothing about doing any research on the health risks to people, animals, and the environment because these cables will be on all the time. 

30.l Support the State to develop a broadband dashboard to track progress and gaps that will inform decision-making in economic development on Hawaiʻi Island.

Do they want to track gaps so they can keep laying out more cable underground that will cause more traffic? What does the above 30.I mean?

30.m Foster public-private partnerships to support the development and expansion of broadband infrastructure, including community networks.

The people that would support this are the people who would make money from this.

Where is the health and safety research for this? It's NOT in their General Plan. 

General Plan Page 87

13.13 Support master planning by public and private institutions and landowners which emphasize TOD, affordable housing, and mixed-use development.

TOD - Transit- Orientated Development (I had to research what TOD meant because I didn’t see it the GP)

What is their “Master Planning” they want to support? I don’t see any information on this.

What do they mean by public and private institutions? 


Page 117

20.e Adopt a Complete Streets ordinance.

What is their “Complete Streets Ordinance”? They seem to be adding more rules, laws, and regulations, and are not fully explaining what they want to implement.   

General Plan Page 87

13.10 Development of TODs and TNDs are encouraged within locations of the urban centers shown on the General Plan Land Use Map. These locations are approximate and become fixed during rezoning.

TNDs - Traditional Neighborhood Development

TOD - Transit- Orientated Development

They don't explain what these developments are. What would they look like? What are the positives and the negatives of these developments? 

This is a comment from a TOD policy from San Antonio: https://www.saspeakup.com/tod#tab-54195

"Overreaching and Too Vast in Scope: The plan covers an unnecessarily large area, extending far beyond what is reasonable for a transit-oriented development. By attempting to include vast tracts of land, it overreaches, applying policies to areas that are not appropriate or well-suited for the type of development envisioned. This broad application dilutes the effectiveness of the plan and places undue pressure on neighborhoods that may not be prepared for such changes."

What is the county’s TOD plan?

They don’t mention their plan and their “ordinances” for it, if any.

The island needs reliable buses. Where is their plan for buses?

General Plan Page 86

“The Urban Growth Areas (UGA) include highdensity Transit Oriented Development (TOD), medium-density Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), and low-density Urban Neighborhood Centers. These centers provide physical, social, governmental, and economic concentrations and easier access to services, recreation, and employment activities.”

They never mention their exact plan for implementing a TOD plan on page 86.

They don't give any ideas of how they will increase public transportation. The bus system has been breaking down for years and is rarely on time. They are not clear on what they mean by this at all. They say, "are encouraged."

Big Island's public transportation needs to be addressed. How can the island create better public transportation? They don't explain how they want to help public transportation.

Big Island's infrastructure also needs to be seriously addressed because traffic is increasing monthly without any sign of helping the infrastructure to accommodate the increase in traffic.

How can they help traffic infrastructure with a mountain on one side and a cliff on the other, with many of our roads? They don't offer any ideas.

This is what I found for to try and understand what they want to implement Transit-Oriented Development https://fifthave.ca/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-transit-oriented-developments/

1. Decreased Affordability and Property Values: The increased demand for housing in TOD areas may lead to rising property values and rental costs, potentially displacing existing low-income residents.

2. Displacement of Marginalized Communities: Gentrification can occur in TOD neighborhoods, pushing out long-time residents and causing social and economic disruptions.

3. Social and Cultural Homogenization: The emphasis on mixed-use developments might inadvertently lead to the homogenization of local cultures and businesses, eroding the unique character of the community.

4. Increased Pressure on Infrastructure: High-density developments can strain existing infrastructure, such as transportation networks, water, and sanitation systems, necessitating costly upgrades.

5. Unequal Distribution of Benefits: Without inclusive planning and involvement of all stakeholders, the benefits of TOD might disproportionately favor certain segments of the population.

General Plan Page 87

13.13 Support master planning by public and private institutions and landowners which emphasize TOD, affordable housing, and mixed-use development.

What is their "Master Plan"? Why should it be supported? Why aren’t they clear on all their plans and ordinances?

Page 89

13.44 The development or designation of new resort areas should complement the character of the area; protect the environment and natural beauty; respect existing lifestyles, cultural practices, and cultural resources; and provide shoreline public access.

Page 142

28.11 The County shall ensure that golf course developments develop and implement grading and site preparation plans to...

There are Notification Signs for development Applications all over the island, and the Big Island needs homes for its residents. It does NOT need more resorts and golf course developments because the island is having resource issues with the developments here now, and many more years of already-approved developments have not been completed yet. 

Why is the General Plan approving more resorts and golf courses when the island's is having a hard time providing resources for all the developments that are here now, and there are years worth of developments that have already been approved.

Please read this petition: https://www.change.org/p/help-big-island-resources-and-infrastructure-stay-safe-for-all-who-live-here-and-visit

The West Hawai’i Sanitary Landfill, the only remaining landfill on the Big Island, is forecast to reach capacity within the next 20 to 25 years." https://bigislandnow.com/2023/09/17/big-island-now-poll-no-27-results-more-than-one-solution-needed-to-help-extend-life-of-west-hawaii-landfill/

“Hawaiʻi Water Supply Closely Monitored As Severe Drought Continues by Big Island Video Newson Nov 6, 2023 at 3:28 pm STORY SUMMARY HAWAIʻI COUNTY - Officials say a special focus will be placed on the South Kohala Water System, which is more susceptible to drought conditions.” https://www.bigislandvideonews.com/2023/11/06/water-supply-closely-monitored-as-hawai%CA%BBi-under-severe-drought/

HECO issues rolling power outages around Big Island by: Emily Cervantes Posted: Feb 13, 2024 / 05:11 PM HST Updated: Feb 13, 2024 / 09:12 PM HST Hawaiian Electric initiated rolling outages for Big Island after several large generators became unavailable and reduced output Tuesday night.”

Page 90

13.e Amend Zoning Code to:
i. Establish a TOD overlay zone project district with a minimum size of 15 acres.
ii. Create a TND overlay zone for existing zoned lands within identified residential and commercial zoning districts.
iii. Allow for residential uses in ML and MCX zoning districts.
iv. Support innovative uses of alternative energy, agriculture, aquaculture, and others, in MCX zoning district

What exactly does “Establish a TOD overlay zone project district with a minimum size of 15 acres” mean?

What does a "TND overlay zone" look like?

What does ML and MCX stand for? These are not in their glossary, and I can't find them in the GP or online.


Page 98

14.1 Support the State Land Use reclassification to Rural in alignment with the General Plan Rural designation.

What is the General Plan Rural Designation?

The General Plan changes High-End Land Use Titles, for example Hokulia Lands from "Agriculture" to "Rural". This will allow this High-End developer to by pass things such as the Environmental Impact Statement and this is NOT good for the land or the community. 


14.2 Support reclassification/rezoning of appropriate General Plan Rural designated areas where an intermediate land use and a well-defined buffer between Urban and Productive Agricultural areas are consistent with the surrounding uses and rural character.

What is the "reclassification/rezoning of appropriate General Plan Rural designated..."?

They are changing Land Use Titles in the GP and that NEEDS TO BE OPPOSED!

4.4 Rural-style residential-agricultural developments, such as new small-scale rural communities or extensions of existing rural communities, should be incentivized to cluster in appropriate locations.

They want to "cluster" residents because the word "cluster" is used many times in this General Plan. What does this mean exactly? 

14.b Amend the zoning districts currently listed as Family Agricultural District (FA) and the Residential and Agricultural Districts (RA) to be consistent with the Rural designation and to allow for home occupations that do not negatively impact rural character.

Would this mean the county would have the right not to approve homes on "Rural Designated" lands if they feel it can “negatively impact rural character”? Are they over-reaching their control? 

Page 102

15.f Update the Real Property Tax Code for agricultural land uses that result in actual production or other public benefits, such as native forestry and the ecosystem services that result from well managed rangelands.

What does this mean? Will they increase taxes? We need farmers to want to work and afford life without increased taxes.

15.g Amend the Zoning Code to require Plan Approval for commercial open area recreational uses in the Agricultural District.

How do they want to Amend the Zoning Code?

15.i Develop standards and guidelines for buffer areas located adjacent to agricultural lands.

What does this mean? What kind of standards and guidelines do they want to implement?

Page 108

16.6 Provide for present traffic and future demands, including the development of mass transit programs for high-growth areas by both the private and public sectors.

How will they do this? Traffic keeps increasing monthly, and the roads are incredibly narrow, with a cliff on one side and a mountain on the other in many different areas all over the island. Where is their plan for this?

Page 111

17.4 Land use applications shall identify as early as possible any existing or potential active living corridors that should be incorporated into the County’s open space network.

Who decides what a living corridor is? Is this the county's way of taking private land areas away?

17.5 Ensure that existing active living corridors that are publicly owned or available by easement are properly identified and that their access elements are secured and documented.
b) “Acceptance” by the County of the responsibilities detailed in the grant of easements should require County Council action and a dedicated funding source.

What does b) mean exactly? What is the "grant of easements"?

Page 116

9.2 Increase arterial capacity through prioritization of alternative means of transportation, such as mass transit, bicycle, and pedestrian systems.

What does this mean? What is their plan? How will they make "prioritization of alternative means of transportation"? Will we be fined or something if we don’t follow their “alternative means of transportation”?

19.6 Use traffic demand management to aid in reducing traffic congestion by targeting an increase of active transportation mode share to 10 percent (bicycling, walking, micro-mobility)

What do they mean by "Use traffic demand management to aid in reducing traffic congestion"? Will they somehow limit cars?

19.7 Concurrency reviews should incorporate reduction in vehicle miles traveled to mitigate traffic impacts (e.g. the level of service) and achieve sustainability and demand management goals.

How are they going to “reduce vehicle miles traveled to mitigate traffic impacts”? Will we lose are right to travel?

19.a Continue to adopt the County Street design manual as the County’s complete street design program/policy.

19.b Amend the County Code to incorporate complete street design.

What is the “County Street design manual”? I don’t see this information in the General Plan.

19.d Identify all roles for interdepartmental collaboration in delivering a truly multimodal transportation system.

What do they mean exactly? 

Page 117

20.e Adopt a Complete Streets ordinance.

What is a "Complete Streets ordinance"? Another regulation?

Page 119

22.7 Develop roadway standards to accommodate emerging technology for connected and automated vehicles.

This needs to be opposed because the Big Island has power issues and cannot handle all its current power needs. It does not have extra power to connect many electric vehicles, which will only add to its power issues.

Plus, if there is a big storm and we lose power, those electric cars cannot run, their batteries do not decompose, and the island needs a new way to take care of rubbish because there is only one landfill on the island. These cars will only add to the many issues the island already has.

“Hawaii Island is in the enviable position of having a landfill with anywhere from 20 to 100 years of capacity left to take in trash. But the island still wrestles with significant issues like plastic products that are no longer being recycled.” https://www.waste360.com/landfill/hawaii-deals-with-burgeoning-waste-management-problem

"Hawaiian Electric is reporting that several large generators on the Big Island are experiencing a range of issues and may lead to the need for rolling outages if supply does not meet demand."

Page 130

25.5 Encourage the clustering of developments to reduce the cost of providing utilities.

How will "clustering developments" reduce the cost of utilities? We all use the same power whether we live clustered up, like the county wants, or not.

The solution to help power the island is not "clustering" everyone. It is asking homeowners/resorts/vacation rentals to purchase solar panels, use wind turbines, or use other natural ways to create their own power. If everyone steps up, we can all make good chances together.

This petition offers other solutions https://www.change.org/p/help-big-island-resources-and-infrastructure-stay-safe-for-all-who-live-here-and-visit

25.6 Develop short- and long-range capital improvements programs and plans for public utilities within its jurisdiction that are consistent with the General Plan.

What are " short- and long-range capital improvement programs"?

25.7 Maintain an Asset Management Program aimed at utilizing maintenance plans to prolong the life of our utilities as well as reduce whole-life costs.

What is their “Asset Management Program”?

25.a Develop and adopt an Impact Fees Ordinance to aide in the expansion of public utilities.

What is an "Impact Fees Ordinance"? More regulations?

Page 132

26.5 Ensure the highest quality of water is reserved for the most valuable end-use.

What do they consider “the most valuable end-use” for water?

The Rosewood Resort waters it's white coral road to keep the dust down. They use hundreds, if not thousands, of gallons to water their road, even when there are signs to conserve water.

Has the county looked at the resort's wasteful water use? Are the resort's water use more “valuable” than residence use?

Shouldn’t the county have some "ordinance" against wasteful water in the resorts because we are on an island? Why isn’t this in their General Plan?

26.6 Encourage the design of large development projects (200+ units) in the North Kohala, South Kohala, North Kona, South Kona, and Kaʻū Districts to be as water neutral as reasonably possible through water conservation, recharge, and reuse measures to reduce the water footprint.

How can 200+ units be water-neutral?

Why is the county encouraging big developments when the island has resource issues with developments that are already here? Are they NOT paying attention to island resources?

26.7 Promote best practices in sustainable water collection and use for private water systems.

What does this mean, “for private water systems”? Are they planning private water systems used only by private communities or resorts?

Why hasn’t the county considered new inventions to help the island’s water issues?

For example, inventions that capture grey water to use in toilets https://ecofriend.com/innovative-products-designed-capture-reuse-gray-water.html. I’m sure many new inventions could help the island if they only start looking for them.

Page 133

26.e Maintain the water master plan to consider water yield, present and future demand, alternative sources of water, guidelines, and policies for the issuing of water commitments.

What is their “water master plan”?

26.n Develop water conservation and stormwater management guidelines for commercial, industrial, and residential properties.

What would “management guidelines” be? Would resorts be prioritized over residences?

Page 137

27.6 Pollution shall be prevented, abated, and controlled at levels that will protect and preserve public health and well-being through the enforcement of appropriate Federal, State, and County standards

What pollution? What are the Federal, State, and County standards, and how would they enforce them?

Developments pollute nearby water; will new developments be subjected to this? Because developments shouldn’t pollute nearby water and it’s scientifically proven that they do. https://bigislandsupport.com/kbayinfo/

This would be Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development, and if it goes through, it will pollute Keauhou Bay. Will the county enforce pollution standards on them? They should.

27.7 Ensure municipal wastewater systems serve designated Urban Growth Areas (UGA) with the capacity to accommodate projected population growth.

27.9 Prioritize developing a multipronged approach to wastewater infrastructure funding, including proactively seeking grant funding for wastewater system expansion, improvements, and new development

27.11 Ensure that wastewater systems and improvements are designed and functioning to maximize system efficiencies, prevent accidental leaks or spills, and provide sanitary, reliable wastewater treatment that is not negatively impacting natural resources.

They don’t mention the pollution that cesspools are causing daily. People can use many kinds of toilets to stop using cesspools today if only the county would approve this.

Why hasn’t the county considered new inventive toilets to help the wastewater system? And some of these toilets can also save on water. 

Like the Cinderella Incinerator Toilet to help stop pollution from cesspools and help with the wastewater system? https://cinderellaeco.com/en-us

There are many new inventive toilets these days that can help the island’s wastewater system, and the Cinderella Incinerator Toilet can also help conserve water.

Page 138

27.15 Prioritize the use of gray water in areas connected to County water and not connected to County wastewater.

Why doesn’t the county start looking for new inventions to help the island instead of traditional sources when the island’s population is steadily growing and needs new ideas to help? They could start considering using inventions like these:




27.a Prioritize areas where on-site wastewater treatment should be converted to sewer and establish financial tools such as improvement districts to aid in implementation.

27.b Prioritize areas where wastewater treatment facilities are necessary to facilitate future growth and utilize financing tools such as community facilities district (CFD) or tax increment financing (TIF) to aid in implementation.

What would be their priority? Resorts over Residence? 

Big Island

‘Acute Problems’ Plaguing Big Island’s Wastewater Treatment Systems Prompt EPA Crackdown https://www.civilbeat.org/2024/04/acute-problems-plaguing-big-islands-wastewater-treatment-systems-prompt-epa-crackdown/

Why doesn’t the county start considering the Cinderella Incinerator toilet or other inventions to help with the wastewater treatment issues, especially when this has been a serious issue for years? https://cinderellaeco.com/en-us

27.i Streamline the sewer connection loan program.

What is this loan program? Is the island going into more debt because of it?

27.j Develop wastewater cost valuation in service fees (similar to the water model fee structure).

27.k Develop a criteria-based infrastructure prioritization tool to develop new or expand existing municipal wastewater systems. Base these priority areas on designated urban growth boundaries, urban zoning and density, population trends and anticipated growth, health/safety, and environmental factors

27.l Implement innovative wastewater systems at a cost-effective scale for small communities.

If the county starts considering new inventions and types of waste treatment toilets, like the Cinderella Incinerator Toilet, wastewater treatment costs would be considerably lowered. Why don’t they do this?

Page 139

27.p In collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, develop a water resource strategy for efficient agricultural water use and reuse.

Why doesn’t the county start to consider using grey water inventions? https://www.environmental-expert.com/articles/the-power-of-greywater-recycling-a-sustainable-solution-for-the-future-1138822

Page 142

28.11 The County shall ensure that golf course developments develop and implement grading and site preparation plans to:

Why is the county still considering more golf courses when the island has water, power, and landfill issues…?

Page 143

28.b Conduct a feasibility study to create a County Stormwater Utility before the County reaches MS4 requirements.

28.c Update the DPW Storm Drainage Standards to reflect current data and to incorporate strategies and standards of green infrastructure and low-impact development.

28.d Develop drainage master plans from a watershed perspective that considers non-structural alternatives, minimizes channelization, protects wetlands that serve drainage functions, coordinates the regulation of construction and agricultural operation, and encourages the establishment of floodplains as public greenways.

Why doesn’t the county start looking at new, innovative drainage solutions for the island? https://www.randrmagonline.com/articles/90645-innovative-solutions-for-effective-storm-water-management-in-urban-environments

Page 155

31.a Create an asset management program.

31.c Develop and adopt an Impact Fees Ordinance to aide in the expansion of County services and facilities.

What would be an “asset management program”?

What is an “Impact Fees Ordinance”? Another regulation?

Page 162

33.2 Implement waste stream technology, such as recycling and upcycling and waste-to-energy to reduce the flow of refuse deposited in landfills.

Why doesn’t the county start looking at how countries who have a high population are dealing with their rubbish, to get other ideas that could help the island?

33.9 Ensure that redesign plans for landfill and transfer stations provide adequate space for Resource Recovery (RR) Stations.

How would they do this?

33.11 Site new solid waste/resource recovery facilities in appropriate areas that serve the needs of population centers and minimize and mitigate negative impacts on the environment or surrounding neighborhood.

33.12 Reduce illegal dumping and littering.

33.13 Minimize the amount of waste generated by County facilities.

33.a Evaluate and amend the County Code to integrate strategies to maximize landfill diversion and handle materials:

Where is the information for all of the above? How would they do these things? 

Has the county ever looked into new innovative ways to deal with rubbish:

"Benefits of waste-to-energy
Waste-to-energy technology offers an alternative to landfills, providing a cleaner, more efficient way of disposing of waste while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. " https://biotrux.com/what-can-we-use-instead-of-landfills/
Different Alternative to landfill https://bettermeetsreality.com/the-different-alternatives-to-landfill-waste-management-options/

Top 29 countries that have been efficient in minimizing waste https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/which-countries-are-the-most-efficient-at-minimising-waste/96037/#:~:text=Switzerland%20have%20100%25%20waste%20recovery%2C%20despite%20being%20in,while%20the%20other%2047%25%20is%20incinerated%20for%20energy

Page 171

35.f Update the County of Hawaiʻi Recreation Plan to reflect newly identified recreational priorities.

The county has sent out letters changing private Land Use Titles to recreational land. Does this mean they will be looking for more lands to change their Land Use Titles into recreational lands, thereby taking their property away by not allowing them to pass it down to family or sell it?

Why is it legal for the county to take private lands away from people to give their lands to recreation?

I heard these people would still have to pay the property tax on their land, which the county wants to turn into recreational land, is this going to happen?

From this site https://www.findlaw.com/realestate/land-use-laws.html

"Eminent Domain

Eminent domain is the right of a government entity to take private property for public use with payment of compensation for the land.

Different government bodies have different criteria. But generally, the government must be able to prove a compelling reason for its planned use..."

In the General Plan it states the county will be able to make changes for "environmental reasons" and anyone can make up "environmental reasons" to do things.

How will this be legal for them to change Private Land Use Titles ALL OVER BIG ISLAND?

35.i Develop best management practices for the development and maintenance of golf courses in collaboration with government, private and nonprofit agencies, and other stakeholders.

Golf courses use a lot of poisons to keep their lands weed-free, and these poisons runoff into the ocean, causing algae blooms and other pollutions. Will the county be addressing this?

35.r Develop and implement a cemeteries master plan for the siting of future cemeteries.

What is their “cemetery master plan”?

Pag 176

36.b Develop a medical center TOD master plan and rezone it as a Regional Center TOD.

What is the "TOD master plan” and how will they “rezone” it?

Page 182

37.3 Prioritize new housing including the missing middle in or near mixed-use developments, urban growth areas with infrastructure, and near existing and proposed transit centers.

37.6 Vacant lands in the urban growth boundary (UGB) should be prioritized for residential and supportive uses before additional agricultural lands outside the UGB are converted into urban uses

37.c Assess and amend the land use and building regulations and explore fiscal opportunities to support universal design principles and ADA accessibility for more physically accessible housing.

They talk about more and more developing and yet, have they sincerely looked at Big Island resource issues today?

Have they sincerely looked at all the development that has already been approved for years to come and incorporated into the island's resources, because the island is having serious resource issues right now.

How will all this future development that's in their General Plan affect the island's resources? Where is this researched information?   

The island’s resources need to be addressed because many years in the making, developments have been approved to build more homes, and all of the island's resources are having serious issues today.

Before prioritizing even more developments such as resorts, golf courses... that is in their General Plan for future development, and before the years’ worth of homes that have already been approved have been developed, the island's resources need to be addressed so that everyone will have power, water, a place to put their rubbish, the traffic needs to be addressed, wastewater needs address...

Where is all the research to increase the island's resources for all these new developments that are in the General Plan?

Please read this petition that explains Big Island resources:

Page 183

38.1 Enable data-driven research to support and maintain a housing inventory program that monitors existing housing.

What are they going to monitor, and why? Are they taking our privacy away?

Page 184

39.8 Encourage the development of workforce housing within or near urban growth areas and employment centers and require large new developments that create a demand for housing to provide affordable workforce housing.

Resorts on the island hire and bring in people from outside of the country. Then they house them. This takes away homes and jobs from locals. Why doesn’t the county prioritize these jobs and homes for locals? Why don’t the resorts on the island hire locals who are already here and need jobs and homes?

Page 190

42.c Develop and adopt an impact fees ordinance that considers district specific needs and excludes urban core areas where infill is encouraged.

What exactly does this mean? What are “impact fees ordinance” and “infill is encouraged” mean?

42.d Develop a framework for a transition plan for changes in administrative leadership to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of operations.

Why does the county need a “transition plan for changes in administrative leadership”? What does this have to do with the GP. Shouldn’t they already have a plan?

Page 199

44.f Partner with business associations, realtors, and the chamber of commerce to recruit small-scale manufacturers to establish retail locations in village and town centers to support reinvestment and match potential tenants with local landowners.

The shops in Kailua Kona town have trouble staying open because all the private parking lots are overcharging for parking. Why isn’t the county addressing this issue instead of wanting to bring in more businesses that won’t be able to survive because private parking is taking a lot of money away from businesses?

The county NEEDS to answer ALL of these questions because they are NOT clear in what they are saying they want to do in their 2045 GP, and this plan CAN NOT go any further UNLESS WE ALL FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT THEIR PLAN IS!

The county NEEDS to TAKE OUT ALL MENTION OF THE TDR Program because it violates our rights to live how and where we want.

The county NEEDS TO TAKE OUT ALL MENTION OF "Broadband/Smart Grid" and start solving traffic issues, water, power, landfill issues, and because this will cost billions, and add a lot more problems to the Big Island.

I do not understand how to use their map that shows all the changes they want to make on the island and all the Land Use Titles they have changed to private lands. Can you figure out their map and see all their changes?

I have heard the voices of people in person at the meetings who have received letters that are changing their Land Use Titles. This is not right because land changed to recreation will make it so the owner cannot pass their land on, or sell it.

Please look at their map because there are high-end developers' Land that the county has changed their Land Titles so they can develop their lands easily, without having to do Environmental Impact Studies, and this is not safe for the island, or the community. 

Zendo Kern has helped high-end developers many times on the island. This planning director favors developers rather than the preservation of the land and community voices.

For example, 18,554 people signed a petition to Save Punalu’u from development. Hundreds of Hawaiian residents protested the housing project in Punalu’u, and still, “Planning Director Zendo Kern has recommended that the commission greenlight the development, writing in his 17-page report to the panel that the project will not have any substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect” provided that best management practices are used to mitigate any impacts.

Kern recommended moving ahead without making the developers prepare an updated environmental impact statement or environmental assessment because the project did not meet the criteria set out in state law for such a requirement.”

This man is not for conserving the land, nor does he support community voices.

Please look at the map he is a part of because this man favors high-end developers. If this map changes high-end developers' Land Use Titles to help them develop their land easily, it could be one huge way that he supports these developers, and this is not right for the island and the community.



Thank you,