Help save keauhou bay


Click Here FIRST and GO To HELP SAVE Keauhou Bay PAGE because this bay NEEDS our HELP ASAP!


This is Big Island Support

Please Share with others

Your Voice Matters! We stand together!


Please Explore ALL pages and if you have info to help make this site better please let me know because I'm learning the system as well. Mahalo!

Please Stand With Big Island Support

Please share with others.

  1. Please sign all the petitions you want to support below and leave a comment to give the BEST SUPPORT.

  2. Read the pages above and learn how to get your voice heard at local meetings because not many people voice themselves at local meetings, and your voice matters to make better changes! The Big Island needs your voice!

  3. Join  because I will post some meeting info when I have time and please check on meetings on your own as well because my time is limited. If we all make time to help, we can make a difference.

  4. Please share meetings you want more support on at Facebook on my page as well as on other pages like: Hawaii News, Big Island News, We are Mauna Kea, Hilo Happenings, Kona Happenings, Hamakua Happenings, Puna Happenings, Puna News... Thank you

  5. If you have a petition that needs support please email it to me, and I will post it on this site, as well as on my Facebook page to help support you and the Big Island more.

There is a lot going on and if we make a stand together, voice our opinions when we need to at local meetings, and help each other, we can ALL make better changes for the island and her community.

Thank you for your time and efforts because it is needed! 


please help locals and sign their Petitions below. leaving comments on these petitions is an extra help

Click on Each Picture or their Buttons and Sign to Support Each Local Petition. Mahalo!

Save Keauhou Bay

Do you have a petition to support, want a certain meeting to have more support, know other ways to support Big Island or just have something to say?

Please email me at

I have a few jobs so please give me time to get back to you and add to your contacts so it doesn't go to spam.

Thank you,
Rebecca Melendez