Learn how to get on county email lists.

Sometimes they will email you after the meetings have happened.

It's always best to check their calendars as well, there links are on Upcoming Big Island Meetings page above.

Please give your time to be heard at these meetings because not many people are voicing their opinions on all the changes that are happening on Big Island. Mahalo!

1) Call the County Council secretary at (808) 961-8255 and request to get on the County Council meetings email list because it's different than the County Planning. 

2) Click on this link, put in your information, scroll down and click o Subscribe to All Emails to get emails about meetings that will change the Big Island and get your voice heard.  

3) Click on this link, fill in their Mailing List form with your information, click on Subscribe to All Emails to get emails about meetings that will change the Big Island. Get your voice heard. 

4) Go to this link County of Hawai'i Boards and Commissions and learn that you have a voice

You can get your testimony heard via emailing them before their meeting, going in person, or join their online zoom meeting.

 Changes are happening fast! Your Voice can make a difference!

Mahalo for your time!

1) Subscribe to their email lists and check their calendar links often

Follow instructions above and call them if you have questions.

2) Read your email

County Council will email you about their meetings. Click the AGENDA link in the email to learn what the meeting is about.

The Agenda link will also tell you what email address to use to email them about that meeting so you can get your voice heard for that meeting.

There will be a deadline but if you miss it you can still email them that day but try not to miss it.

Put the meeting title you are talking about in the Subject of your email to help them know what you are talking about.

There will also be instructions in their email on how to get on their zoom meeting if that's how you would like to voice your words and where to go in person should you want to be there. In person is best and email is still voicing your words.

Please speak at every new development application because a lot more are coming up!

3) Check their calendar

Don't rely fully on their emails.

Check their calendar links as well to see what meetings are coming up that you want to speak on.

Email them early and if you are going to the meeting mark your calendar or put an alarm on your phone because that always helps to remember when you need to voice your opinion for the island and you won't miss it.

They take in person or zoom testimonials first at the meetings so you don't have to be at the meetings that long.   

Click the links below and scroll down till you see to their calendar. These are 3 calendar links that are on the Upcoming Meetings page above .

Save these links to stay informed because they post meetings with very short notice sometimes.