Everyone CAN HELP SAVE Keauhou Bay from Resort Development Pollution Because We Are In the Hawai'i Planning Comment Period.
Easy Steps Below the Development Info on How YOU Can Help Save Keauhou Bay
Development Info:
Kamehameha School's has submitted their Environmental Impact Statment Draft to Develop a Bungalow Resort for High End Tourists in King Kamehameha III's birthplace, Historical Keauhou Bay on Big Island.
Kamehameha Schools has two properties that are not two miles away from Keauhou Bay that are both fully developed and they hardly use these lands.
Please ask them why don't they use these lands to make money instead of destroying and entire ecosystem in Keauhou Bay.
One of these properties has taken over a decade for them to develop, Kahalu'u Manowai, and they only use this huge park for Private events and Hale Laau property is right across the street from Kahalu'u Manowai and I haven't seen this land be used for anything for over 30 years.
These properties could be used to make money instead of destroying Keauhou Bay's ecosystem. Money making ideas:
This page is NOT against the educational center they want to build in the already developed land.
This page is against the Bungalow Resort Development they want to build by clearing the ONLY land that helps protect Keauhou Bay from golf course pollution runoff.
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Watch videos below to learn Kamehameha Schools plan.
Keauhou Bay is NOT big for all the tourists Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort will bring in, and support the Hawaiian people's and Big Island communities cultural practices.
Kamehameha Schools have other properties they can use to make money such as Kahalu'u Manowai and Hale Laau that they've already developed lands and are hardly using. They do NOT need to devastate an entire ecosystem in Keauhou Bay to make money.
Thank you,
(your name)
Send Letters to: keauhoubay@ksbe.edu, ksrc@ksbe.edu, planning@hawaiicounty.gov, alex.roy@hawaiicounty.gov, maharman@ksbe.edu, aahirano@ksbe.edu, bigislandtalk@gmail.com
STEP 3 Call often and Get Everyone You Know to Call Because Your Voice Matters!
Call Hawai'i Planning and ask them to Help Save Keauhou Bay from Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development. Tell them Kamehameha Schools have other properties they can use to make money such as Kahalu'u Manowai and Hale Laau that they've already developed and are hardly using. They do NOT need to devastate an entire ecosystem in Keauhou Bay to make money.
Hawaii County Planning 808-323-4770
Zendo Kern 808-961-8125
CALL and/or stop by Kamehameha Schools office and let them know how you feel about their bungalow resort development. Tell Kamehameha Schools they have Kahalu'u Manowai and Hale Laau that are already developed lands that they can use to make money instead of hurting an entire ecosystem in Keauhou Bay. They probably have other lands they can use to make money as well because they have more Hawaiian land than anyone and it was Endowed to them for the education of the Hawaiian people.
Let Kamehameha Schools know that Keauhou Bay MUST be PRESERVED for future generations and not become an overcrowded polluted bay for tourists.
Mālama ‘Āina.
Marissa Harman 808-895-1865 (Rep in Keauhou Office)
Call Kona Clean Water Branch Gordon Carvo 8083221967 and let him know Kamehameha Schools wants to develop a Bungalow Resort in Keauhou Bay and Keauhou Bay is listed as "Impaired Water" under the United States Environmental Agency. Keauhou Bay needs to be protected, not polluted by more development.
Click here to read Big Island Now News article on Keauhou Bay. Kamehameha Schools doesn't acknowledge the thousands of signatures on the opposing petition or the scientific articles that show a resort development will pollute Keauhou Bay.
The videos below have Kamehameha Schools EIS comment deadline in them and these videos still have great information to share. Please tell others the first deadline is over and WE STILL MUST STAY LOUD. MAHALO!