Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development WILL Have 43 Buildings with 150 Rooms X 3 People Per Room = 450 or More Visitors Added to Small, Historical Keauhou Bay. See their plan on this link: https://www.ksbe.edu/keauhou-bay.
Please See Keauhou Bay Community Photos Below.
Actions You Can Take to Help Save Keauhuo Bay from a Bungalow Resort Development
1) Call Marissa Harman 8088951865 KS Rep for Keauhou Bay Development, and OPPOSE their Resort
2) Call KS Main Office, and Ask Them if They are Receiving Reports of All the Opposition to Their Bungalow Resort Development in Keauhou Bay 8085236200
3) Set Up an in Person Meeting with Marissa Harman, and Stand for Saving Keauhou Bay, Helping Endangered Species in the Bay, and Saving Community Practices
4) Copy, Paste, and Email the Scientifically Researched Letter Below
5) Sign the Petitions Below
6) More Actions to TAKE Explained Below
Mahalo for Your Time and Efforts
Kamehameha Schools has submitted their EIS Draft to develop Keauhou Bay into a Bungalow Resort Development.
The next and last comment period is very soon. If you find info on this meet, please let me know because it can be hard to find meeting information.
Email me at bigislandtalk@gmail.com.
Start showing opposition early to make sure we get heard, and I will be keeping emails to resend them during the last comment period.
Kamehameha School's Rep Marissa Harman emailed me this information, and I'm not sure how true this is, "The next public comment period will be tied to the Special Management Area Permit submittal. We don’t expect that submittal to be until late spring/early summer. There will be public notification as well as a public hearing process that all are welcome to participate in."
There are many ways to help Stand and Protect Keauhou Bay.
#1 The last thing Kamehameha Schools will need to do is apply for a Special Management Permit with Hawai'i Planning. Please Call Hawai'i Planning and ask to get on their email list to know when the meeting will be to OPPOSE their Special Management Permit and Help Save Keauhou Bay. Call Raimee 8089618288 Ext: 8038. . All homeowners within 300 to 500 ft. of Keauhou Bay should receive a letter about when this meeting will be. Please make sure to get EVERYONE you know to this meeting.
#2 Please copy, paste, and email the below letter as your own and add to it if you'd like:
Aloha Hawaii County and Kamehameha School Representatives,
I want to email you all before the comment period because I do not want to miss the opportunity to speak on saving historic Keauhou Bay from a bungalow resort development, as your meetings come up with very short notice.
Please help in preserving Keauhou Bay from the proposed development of Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort. This development would result in the displacement of Keauhou Bay from its traditional cultural practices, exacerbate the already limited capacity of the bay due to its high boat traffic volume, and contribute to pollution that could adversely impact the water quality of Keauhou Bay, which is currently designated as “Impaired Water” by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the identifier #HI713293:
There are hundreds of passengers that join all the boats in this bay daily because this bay is an extremely high-traffic boating area in a very small bay. There are land markers there that mark the boating lane that is right in the middle of the bay, and there are already many resorts for tourists that surround the entire bay; if another resort is allowed, it will add over 450 or more tourists to this very small bay and put these snorkeling tourists in danger because they will not understand where the boating lane is and how to stay out of boat traffic. This would create a lot of lawsuits should an accident happen, and that would most likely go to the county for allowing another resort because this bay is already overcrowded and does not have room for another resort.
Your assistance in preventing this development is crucial, as the consequence of this unchecked economic growth and development would lead to significant pollution, disrupting the habitat of endangered species such as the Monk Seal, Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, and Hoary Bat. This development violates the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which was enacted to safeguard critically imperiled species from extinction as “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.”
Please read this article, "20 Endangered Animals Pushed to the Brink by Habitat Loss" because the Hawksbill Turtle is on this list and has been seen in the Keauhou Bay area. Keauhou Bay is one of the Hawksbill Turtle's habitats, and a bungalow resort development will pollute its habitat forever from pavement runoff pollution, as well as sunscreen washing off from the over 450 or more tourists that will stay in this resort and swim in this bay.
"The Hawaiian hoary bat is
listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.[9] The Hawaiian hoary bat faces threats including habitat loss, collisions with man-made structures such as wind turbines
and barbed wire, pesticide impacts on primary food sources, predation and
competition with invasive species, roost disturbance, and tree cover reduction."
The endangered hoary bat roosts in Keauhou Bay every evening, and the green sea turtle and monk seal frequently swim and rest in the bay. Numerous endangered species have perished due to the disruption of their natural habitats from development impacts. We must stand up for these species and ensure their survival on the Big Island.
The following studies demonstrate the detrimental impact of developments, damaging coral reefs and marine life:
Zooplankton, an integral component of marine life, will be adversely affected and potentially eliminated if the proposed resort development is permitted. These microscopic organisms serve as a primary food source for manta rays, which are commonly observed in Keauhou Bay, feeding on zooplankton on a daily and nightly basis. The demise of zooplankton due to pollution generated by the development will result in the cessation of manta ray visits to this bay.
For further information, please refer to the article titled “An Ecosystem Under Threat,” which highlights the significant global and local threats faced by Hawaiʻi’s reefs, including overfishing and sediment and nutrient pollution caused by sewage and stormwater runoff.
Additionally, please consider watching the video and joining the Coral Reef Alliance in their efforts to protect Keauhou Bay’s coral reefs from the proposed Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development.
The land designated for development has historically served as a buffer against golf course pollution, safeguarding Keauhou Bay. Notably, the Hawaiʻi government reports that natural ground cover exhibits a 10% runoff rate, while development-related areas have a significantly higher 55% runoff rate. Even with the presence of storm drains, the pavement created during development will generate more runoff into Keauhou Bay compared to the current natural ground cover, which has effectively mitigated pollution from golf courses for years.
"Coral Bleaching is occurring more frequently in Hawai'i. Across the Hawaiian Archipelago, coral bleaching has increased in frequency and severity since 1996. The last major bleaching event in 2014-2015 had catastrophic Impacts state-wide… This was the third major bleaching episode in Hawaiʻi over the last 6 years. The frequency of these events is unprecedented in the archipelago. NOAA scientists and partners have determined that the key drivers of the bleaching were environmental factors (such as heat stress, depth, and surface light) and human impacts (sewage effluent and urban run-off). "
Preserving Keauhou Bay is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it violates the Cultural Impact Statement Law, as the Hawaiian people and the local community utilize the bay daily for their cultural practices. Overcrowding the bay with tourists would adversely affect all cultural practices, not only the canoe racing, fishing, volleyball, baptisms, life service celebrations, yoga, and anonymous group meetings but the mana of this sacred place.
Having hundreds of tourists in the bay will cause issues with canoe training, fishing, baptism services, anonymous services, yoga practices, and the Celebration of Life services held in this bay. This bungalow resort development will affect all the cultural practices of the entire community.
This historic bay will become jam-packed with tourists, which will have significant adverse effects on the cultural practices held in this bay, which is against the Cultural Impact Statement Law because this Law determines "whether an action may have a significant effect on cultural practices, particularly native Hawaiian traditional and customary practices expressly protected under article XII, section 7, of the state constitution."
Kindly refer to the following links for comprehensive scientific evidence that underscores the imperative of conserving the historically significant Keauhou Bay. This conservation should be prioritized over the development into a luxury bungalow resort catering to high-end tourists:
Kamehameha Schools Representatives, please forward this to the trustees so they are aware of all the opposition and can fully assess the scientific evidence that their bungalow resort development will harm the bay and the entire community that enjoys it.
Thank you,
(your name)
Copy & Paste these Email Addresses and Send Your Letter to ALL of them (my email is included because I will be saving all sent letters and resubmitting them during the last comment period as we need a lot of different names supporting this effort):
Making Comments on the ABOVE Petitions is Extremely helpful because your comments are shared in emails. Mahalo!
#6 Help spread this information by writing letters to newspapers, posting to all your Facebook groups, getting this information into newspapers, and telling reporters about what is happening.
There are many ways to help; STANDING UP with emails and getting this info out by contacting newspapers and news reporters, emailing, calling, making a meeting with Marissa Harman KS Rep, and SHARING this website everywhere to help spread the word that Keauhou Bay MUST be Conserved.
Thank you for your time and efforts!
Please ask your Facebook family and friends to help.
I will do my best to find the last meeting to share it, and sometimes they don't give much notice.
The MORE people who LOOK for this meeting, the BETTER. Please email me should you see it and I will post it all over. Email me at bigislandtalk@gmail.com.
Kamehameha Schools say they want to build a bungalow resort in Keauhou Bay because they need money.
They have around 364,000 acres all over Hawai'i, and their Endowment was valued at 14.6 BILLION in 2023. THEY HAVE MANY OTHER OPTIONS to make money than to POLLUTE and OVERCROWD Keauhou Bay FOREVER.
Everyone CAN HELP SAVE Keauhou Bay from Resort Development Pollution.
Kamehameha Schools wants to build 43 buildings with 150 rooms, a BIG Bungalow Resort in Keauhou Bay, a Small Historical Bay Where Endangered Species Live, Locals Enjoy Daily Cultural Practices, and it is the Birthplace of King Kamehameha III.
Kamehameha Schools Development Info:
Kamehameha Schools has submitted their Environmental Impact Statement Draft to Develop a Bungalow Resort for High-End Tourists in King Kamehameha III's birthplace, Historical Keauhou Bay on the Big Island.
Kamehameha Schools says it needs to make money, yet it has two fully developed properties not two miles away from Keauhou Bay, and Kamehameha Schools hardly uses these lands.
Please ask them why they don't use these lands to make money instead of destroying the entire ecosystem in Keauhou Bay.
One of these properties has taken over a decade to develop Kahalu'u Manowai, and they only use this vast, beautiful park for their Private events. The Hale Laau property is right across the street from Kahalu'u Manowai,Kahalu'u Manowai. They only use this huge beautiful park for their Private events, and Hale Laau property is right across the street from Kahalu'u Manowai. I haven't seen this land used for over 30 years.
These properties could be used to make money instead of destroying Keauhou Bay's ecosystem.
Money-making ideas:
Wedding Venue (Big Money Maker)
Farmers Markets Venue
Concert Venue
Movie Night to Connect Community
Day passes...
Go to this video link to learn what else they want to do with Hawaiian-endowed land. Marissa Harman, the rep for Kamehameha Schools, told me they are going to offer "Full Access" to ALL their Hawaiian-endowed because Marissa Harman the rep for Kamehameha Schools told me they are going to offer "Full Access" to ALL their Hawaiian Endowed land to their bungalow resort tourists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UtiIWeyLAs
Kamehameha Schools HAVE Lands 2 miles from Keauhou Bay that they've ALREADY DEVELOPED, and they HAVE FENCED OFF to ONLY USE FOR THEIR PRIVATE EVENTS.
This page is NOT against the educational center they want to build in the already developed land and Marissa Harman said if they can't build their Bungalow Resort then they won't build this educational center for the community.
This page is FULLY against their Bungalow Resort Development, which they want to build by clearing the ONLY land that helps protect Keauhou Bay from golf course pollution runoff. Please go to https://bigislandsupport.com/kbayinfo/ to learn more about this.
Right-click on the photo and SAVE it to share it with others.
Click here to read the Big Island Now News article on Keauhou Bay. First, Marissa Harman, a Kamehameha Schools rep, is interviewed, then an opposing environmental lawyer is interviewed, and then I'm interviewed. Kamehameha Schools doesn't acknowledge the thousands of signatures on the opposing petition or the scientific reports by the world's top. Marissa Harman, Kamehameha Schools rep is interviewed first, then an opposing environmental lawyer is interview, then I'm interviewed and Kamehameha Schools doesn't acknowledge the thousands of signatures on the opposing petition, or the scientific reports by the world's top scientists that show a resort development will pollute Keauhou Bay.
Read Opposing EIS Comment Letters that prove this bungalow resort will KILL CORAL and severely POLLUTE Keauhou Bay FOREVER:
The videos below have Kamehameha Schools EIS comment deadline in them and these videos still have great information to share. Please tell others the first deadline is over and WE STILL MUST STAY LOUD. MAHALO!