help Big Island and GET YOUR VOICE HEARd

Get on Meeting Email Lists

Big Island NEEDS Your Voice

The government ensures that this is not taught in schools. I'm learning, too. If you have corrections or suggestions, please let me know. Email Mahalo, Rebecca Melendez

Get on Meetings Email Lists and Check Upcoming Meetings often because sometimes they don't email meetings.

How to get on Email Lists:

1) Call the County Council at (808) 961-8255 and request to get on the County Council meetings email list because it's different than the County Planning. 

2) Click on this link and put in your information. Scroll down and Click Subscribe to All Emails: 

3) Click on this link scroll to the bottom, and click on Subscribe to ALL if you want the General Plan information emailed to you for ALL of Big Island 

Please share meeting info that you want support with on my Facebook page Big Island Support so others can see it and I'll share it ALL over Facebook because I might miss meetings that you find. Mahalo!

When you receive an upcoming meeting email, click on the link to view what the meeting will be about, and sometimes you will see Agenda; that's where you need to click to view the meeting, and you might have to click on Agenda on the second page as well. or click on the PDF below the folders to view the meeting as well.

You can write your email testimony before the meeting deadline, register to speak on their Zoom meeting link before the deadline or show up in person on the day and time of the meeting at the meeting location.

If you can make it, showing up via Zoom or in person is great. Directions on how to do these three will be on the first page of the meeting information.

If you register to speak on Zoom, you can choose to speak at the start of the meeting or when the item you want to speak on is scheduled.

If you choose to speak on Zoom at the start of the meeting, it usually takes under an hour to be able to speak via Zoom, depending on how many in-person people are there to testify. You can leave right after you testify because your voice was heard.

After you register for a Zoom meeting, you'll get an email within a day or two with the Zoom link to join the meeting. Be sure to save this link because you will click on it at the start of the meeting day and time to join the meeting on your cellphone or computer via Zoom.

Set your alarm so you don't forget the meeting day and time to join via Zoom.    

 Mahalo for your time!

Check these calendars often for upcoming meetings because they might not email meetings:

Direct links to contact Hawai'i government and get your voice heard!

This is Hawai'i Planning's contact information. If they don't reply, you can go directly to their office and get yourself heard. Let them know how you feel about what they have been approving.  

Big Island County Council contact link to let them know how you feel about what they have been approving  

Governors Contact 

Hawai'i Representatives Contact and share how you feel about what is happening on Big Island and here are all their email addresses you can easily copy and past these to your email:,,

Changes are happening fast!

Your Voice MATTERS!

YOU CAN Make a Difference!

Mahalo for your time!