You are welcome to copy and paste ANY of this information to any letter and use it as your own during the comment period and before to Help Save Keauhou Bay from Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development.
Below are scientific
articles written by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), Global Coral Reef Alliance, the Hawaiian Government, and many other
professional organizations, that have studied and shown that developments
have ALWAYS polluted the water in EVERY coastal
development area.
United States Environmental Protection Agency
It is proven that developments cause serious pollution in nearby waters and Keauhou Bay floods on both the north and south sides of the bay. Please watch this video on YouTube titled Why Keauhou Bay is WORTH SAVING From Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development!!!!
Keauhou Bay has been listed as "Impaired Water" Assessment Unit ID: HI713293 by the state of Hawai'i and "Impaired Water" because of the "turbidity" that effects aquatic life.
This website explains, "What is turbidity and why is it important?
Turbidity is a measure of water clarity how much the material suspended in water decreases the passage of light through the water. Suspended materials include soil particles (clay, silt, and sand), algae, plankton, microbes, and other substances. These materials are typically in the size range of 0.004 mm (clay) to 1.0 mm (sand). Turbidity can affect the color of the water.
Higher turbidity increases water temperatures because suspended particles absorb more heat. This, in turn, reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) because warm water holds less DO than cold. Higher turbidity also reduces the amount of light penetrating the water, reducing photosynthesis and DO production. Suspended materials can clog fish gills, reducing resistance to disease in fish, lowering growth rates, and affecting egg and larval development. As the particles settle, they can blanket the stream bottom, especially in slower waters, and smother fish eggs and benthic macroinvertebrates."
Before the surrounding developments, Keauhou Bay used to be clear and clean. If another resort development is allowed in Keauhou Bay, this bay will be seriously negatively affected, and the "turbidity" will get worse, not better.
US EPA "Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act authorizes EPA to assist states, territories, and authorized tribes in listing impaired waters and developing Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waterbodies. A TMDL establishes the maximum amount of a pollutant allowed in a waterbody and serves as the starting point or planning tool for restoring water quality."
"Under Section 303 D of the Clean Water Act (CWA), states, territories, and authorized tribes are required to develop lists of impaired waters. These are waters that are too polluted or otherwise degraded to meet the water quality standards set by states, territories, or authorized tribes." Taken from the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States.
"How does the 303(d) Impaired Waters and TMDL Program Fit into the Clean Water Act?
As part of the CWA, states must establish water quality standards (WQS) for waters within their borders. Such standards designate the use of the particular waterbody (e.g., recreation or protection of aquatic life), establish water quality criteria to protect the waterbody, and adopt requirements to protect and maintain healthy waters."
Cultural Impact Statement Law
Kamehameha Schools bungalow resort development wants to make the Keauhou Canoe Club smaller, which will most likely make the one-man canoes have to leave to make room for tourists, and this breaks the Cultural Impact Statement Law, which states, "defined by the state historic preservation division to determine whether an action may have a significant effect on cultural practices, particularly native Hawaiian traditional and customary practices expressly... which shall disclose any cultural effects of a proposed action, including the cultural practices of the community and State, proposed measures to minimize adverse effects, and alternatives to the action and its cultural effects."
There will also be more people in the bay, which will cause fishing to become dangerous due to more swimmers and paddleboarders...and this is against the Cultural Impact Statement Law.
They also want to take out the volleyball court, which is played by many local Hawaiian kids and Hawai'i State University. It is considered a cultural practice because volleyball has been played in this bay for many, many years. Taking this out of Keauhou Bay is against the Cultural Impact Statement Law.
Having hundreds of tourists in the bay will cause the baptism services and Celebration of Life services that are held in this bay and are cultural practices of the entire community will cause this historic bay to become jam-packed with tourists, and this will cause significant negative effects on these cultural practices held in this bay, and this is against the Cultural Impact Statement Law.
There are 3 endangered species who habitat in Keauhou Bay. The Hoary Bat is there every evening and the green sea turtle and monk seal swim and rest there often.
In the Endangered Species
Act of 1973 Under Section 2 (b), "To provide a means whereby the
ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species depend may
be conserved." This would be Keauhou Bay.
The Green Sea Turtle swims
in Keauhou Bay weekly and the monk seal has also been seen swimming and resting
in Keauhou Bay. Both of these marine animals are on the endangered species
Species Act
"Section 2. Findings,
Purposes, and Policy
(4) the United States has
pledged itself as a sovereign state in the international community to
conserve to the extent practicable the various species of fish or wildlife
and plants facing extinction, pursuant to—
(b) PURPOSES.—The purposes
of this Act are to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered
species and threatened species depend may be conserved, to provide a
program for the conservation of such endangered species and threatened species,
and to take such steps as may be appropriate to achieve the purposes of the
treaties and conventions set forth in subsection (a) of this
This was taken from
"The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA or "The Act"; 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.) is the primary law in the United States for protecting and conserving imperiled species. Designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a "consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation", the ESA was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973."
Summary of the Endangered Species Act
"The law requires federal agencies, in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the NOAA Fisheries Service, to ensure that actions they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any listed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical habitat of such species. The law also prohibits any action that causes a "taking" of any listed species of endangered fish or wildlife. Likewise, import, export, interstate, and foreign commerce of listed species are all generally prohibited.",species%20or%20result%20in%20the%20destruction%20or%20advers
The green sea turtle is
federally protected and can be seen in Keauhou Bay weekly.
Why does
Hawaii have a runoff problem?
Historically, in the
tropics of Hawaii, precipitation was absorbed into the soil, according to the
Clean Water Branch of Hawaii's Department of Health. Any potential pollution or
contaminants on the ground surface would get pushed into the soil by the rain,
and plant roots and microbes would help break down the pollution into less
dangerous components. However, with urban and agricultural development, less
and less of the pollution gets pulled into the soil, and more of it gets washed
out into storm drains. From there, the pollutants make their way to streams,
rivers, and the ocean that surrounds Hawaii. According to the state agency, most
of these contaminants are nutrients from fertilizer, bacteria from animal
waste, oil, garbage, and yard waste...
If polluted runoff reaches
the ocean, it can wreak havoc on marine life, including endangered green sea
turtles." Taken from
this development WILL POLLUTE Keauhou Bay. The above article, written in 2014 (because
runoff water from developments was polluting the ocean even then!!!), states
this fact clearly. Keauhou Bay is home to countless sea creatures, such as the
protected green sea turtle, spotted eagle rays, manta rays, octopus, dolphins,
fish, coral, monk seals, and more, and that will ALL be harmed by the severe
pollution runoff that WILL happen because developments have ALWAYS been shown to pollute the water is that is nearby.
The Green Sea Turtle is
protected by more than one law. "All sea turtles in Hawai‘i are protected
by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and additionally protected by Hawai‘i Revised Statutes Chapter 195D (HRS) and Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR) 13-124." This information was taken from this site
Keauhou Bay is known as a
RESTING AREA for the ENDANGERED MONK SEAL. If another resort is allowed
to be built, in addition to the pollution, it will also bring a lot more people
down to Keauhou Bay. This increases the chances of a resting monk seal being
disturbed by humans trying to get close, taking “selfie” photos, and being
generally uninformed and harmful. Please see the article on Selfie Culture and its
harmful effects below.
With a
significantly increased population, the habitat of Keauhou Bay will likely be
changed forever.
This information is from a
NOAA Scientist; "Study shows selfie culture impacts how people behave
when posting images of an endangered species on social media. There’s
a seal on the beach! Let’s go get a 'selfie'!” That must have been what
nearly 18 percent of people on Instagram thought before approaching an
endangered species.
In a recent study, NOAA scientists used
social media to monitor human activities around endangered Hawaiian monk seals. They
discovered that human disturbance is more common than they thought."
NOAA clearly states a high
population in a place where monk seals and sea turtle's habitat can be a serious
disturbance for these endangered species.
"Hawaiian monk seals
are protected federally by the ESA and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), as well as locally by Hawai‘i Revised Statutes
(HRS) Chapter 195D and Hawai‘i
Administrative Rules (HAR) 13-124." This was taken
Bay is the monk seals and the green sea turtle’s habitat. Allowing a bungalow resort to be developed in Keauhou
Bay, the habitat of these endangered species, is to threaten their life and
habitat with golf course runoff pollution, as well as development
pollution. This development goes completely against the Endangered Species Act of 1973 by threatening their habitat and, hence, their lives.
The verbiage in the
Endangered Species Act states, "to conserve”. In this case, “to
conserve” would be to protect the land around Keauhou Bay from
developments that destroy the habitat of these endangered species with
pollution and runoff.
This is endangered species habitat, and it needs to be “conserved.”
Under the Conservation
Program, research should be done on endangered species and their
associated ecosystems. A large bungalow resort development WILL FOREVER CHANGE
Conservation programs. (a) The department shall conduct
research on indigenous aquatic life, wildlife, and land plants, and on
endangered species and their associated ecosystems, and shall utilize the land
acquisition and other authority vested in the department to carry out programs
for the conservation, management, and protection of such species and their
associated ecosystems."
Also, under this same
Conservation program, "(2) Taking such action as may be necessary to
ensure that actions authorized, funded, or carried out by them do not
jeopardize the continued existence of threatened or endangered species."
Please consider that
developing a Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort in Keauhou Bay WILL threaten
endangered species due to the unavoidable development and golf course pollution
runoff that would be caused by removing all the trees that currently serve as a natural pollution filter and replacing the land with housing, cars,
humans, and waste. There would also be tremendous runoff damage into
Keauhou Bay and the surrounding area during the building phase of this enormous
”The golf industry
uses approximately 50 pesticide active ingredients, including chlorpyrifos—an insecticide that the EPA banned for residential use due to developmental hazards. Trimming golf turf to low heights also makes it even more vulnerable to pests, leading to
more pesticide use."
These pesticides will be
in the pollution runoff that will enter Keauhou Bay more severely should the
trees' natural habitat be removed and replaced with pavement. This is
Please read
from Wikipedia, "Most drains have a single large exit at their point of discharge
(often covered by a grating) into a canal, river, lake, reservoir, sea or ocean. Other than catch
basins, typically there are no treatment facilities in the piping system.",discharge%20into%20individual%20dry%20wells
The pavement from this
development will cause pollution to run into Keauhou Bay because this treed
land that will become a housing development is situated directly between the
golf course and the Bay. These trees, which absorb all the pollution from the
golf course, are the BEST AND ONLY PROTECTION POLLUTION FILTER Keauhou Bay has from the golf course pesticides, fertilizer, and weed killer. See the
below paragraph for further references.
See page 2 at: where the Hawai'i government states that
Natural Ground Cover has 10% runoff, where development has 55%
runoff. So, even if you have storm drains, the pavement this development will create will cause more runoff into Keauhou Bay than the Natural Ground Cover that it has now, which has been protecting the bay from golf course pollution for years.
trees and land are saving monk seals and green sea turtles habitat from
the golf course pollution and this land MUST BE PRESERVED and
CONSERVED as the natural protector for Keauhou Bay and for these
endangered species habitat.
Under Section 2 (b) of the
Endangered Species Act - Keauhou Bay MUST BECOME A CONSERVATION
AREA for these endangered species. It is currently their habitat, and allowing a large resort development to be built above this bay clearly threatens the lives of these endangered species by allowing golf course toxic pollution and development pollution to run into these species' natural habitat
of Keauhou Bay.
The trees that are slated
to be cleared for development further protect Keauhou Bay from algae blooms that have been proven to be caused by pollution, which is runoff from fertilizer and weed killers.
When there is heavy rain, the land above the bay has a greater runoff than normal. Without the trees, the
runoff from the golf course pollution will pour into the Bay, likely causing
frequent algae blooms.
blooms have been shown to kill coral and marine life, as stated in the many
articles that will follow.
One of these articles is
from the Global Coral Reef Alliance. They have researched the effects on reefs
before and after golf course developments. Though this development is not a
golf course development, it is located just below a golf course and exposes the
bay to the pollution from the golf course by removing the proven natural filter
of the trees and natural ecosystem.
Algae blooms happen after a
serious storm because of the golf course runoff pollution.
This information was taken
from the Global Coral Reef Alliance, and it is an actual study on how coral and
marine life are affected before and after development. It's titled,
"Golf courses kill coral reefs and fisheries: harmful algae blooms and
disease caused by nutrient runoff from golf course development on Guana Cay,
Abaco, Bahamas
Introduction: Bahamas
coral reef deterioration
This study is thought to be the
first ever to evaluate the health of coral reef ecosystems and fisheries before
and after a golf course development. The vast majority of corals have died from
a combination of factors including global warming, new diseases, and land-based
sources of pollution.. ."
If you allow a Bungalow
Development in Keauhou Bay, you WILL be agreeing to pollute this bay for years
Another study by the Coral
Reef Alliance titled, "Golf course fertilizer runoff causes nutrient
enrichment leading to harmful algae blooms on a Bahamian coral reef.
“...After construction new
algae blooms appeared nearest the golf course green, smothering corals in
adjacent reefs, along with sharply increased coral diseases..."
There will be a lot of extra runoff pollution due to
clearing land and adding pavement.
This needs to be fully
assessed because you will be changing an entire ecosystem to
build a bungalow resort. It rains in Keauhou Bay many nights out of the
year and this kind of pollution will kill the beautiful and necessary coral in
the Bay.
FURTHERMORE: ”If there are toxic algal blooms, like red tide, or
man-made contaminants, like pesticides or detergents in the water, those toxins
are contained within the bubbles of sea foam. When those bubbles pop, the
toxins can become airborne and compromise the air that is breathed in that
There will be hundreds more cars that will add to the already trafficked small two-lane road. This will not only cause more traffic but also increase water runoff pollution.
Because this Bungalow
Resort could have over 150 extra cars and over 400 or more extra people in and
out of Keauhou Bay, what traffic and increased population studies have they
done? There will be employees with cars, guests with cars, and visitors with cars.
At times this would range to over 400 cars (likely more) coming in and out of and parking above Keauhou Bay, thereby causing serious car population issues
because of all these added cars right next to the bay.
article below is from NOAA regarding motor vehicle engines and pollution to the
What is the biggest source
of pollution in the ocean?
Most ocean
pollution begins on land.
"Millions of motor
vehicle engines drop small amounts of oil each day onto roads and parking lots.
Much of this, too, makes its way to the sea.
Some water pollution
actually starts as air pollution, which settles into waterways and oceans. Dirt
can be a pollutant. Top soil or silt from fields or construction sites can
run off into waterways, harming fish and wildlife habitats.",Dirt%20can%20be%20a%20pollutant.
Runoff Remains Top Source of Oil in the Ocean, Says New Report Oil in the
Sea: Inputs, Fates, and Effects
Release September 28, 2022
runoff, primarily from cities and vehicles, is the top source of oil entering
the ocean, says a new report from the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In North American waters,
estimated ocean oil pollution from land-based runoff is up to 20 times higher
than it was 20 years ago, and oil spills, natural oil seeps, and discharge from
oil and gas operations remain major sources of pollution. The report recommends
actions that government and others should take to minimize oil pollution, and
calls for sustained research funding to better understand how oil reaches and
affects ocean environments.",pipeline%20spills%2C%20says%20a%20new
Impact Of Stormwater – Car Emissions
"Car emissions are
not limited to exhaust fumes that contribute to air pollution. They can also
leak automotive fluid and release heavy metals that can contribute to
stormwater pollution, contaminating local waterways."
There will also be a lot more noise pollution that will happen in Keauhou Bay during development.
Because if you allow this
Bungalow Resort to be developed you will increase constant noise in this bay
for years to come and, "Noise Pollution Research shows that
underwater noise from construction, shipping and naval vessels significantly
impacts the natural behavior of cetaceans and many other marine species.
This can be seen when mass beaching events occur or breeding success is
The above information was
taken from the Ocean Conservation Trust
How Does
Noise Pollution Harm Marine Species?
"However, over the
past few decades, noise pollution in the marine environment has increased
dramatically and is threatening the natural soundscape of the marine
environment. Ships, seismic surveys, explosions, construction, and sonar
devices have made the once peaceful environment into a loud, chaotic home which
is extremely damaging for marine wildlife. This type of pollution is often
overlooked in comparison to others but its impacts are now being documented
across all types of marine ecosystems."
If you allow this resort, the number of people in this bay will fully increase, and "Hawai‘i’s
recent history has shown that the state’s growing population can have an
adverse effect on nearshore fish populations. Protecting this important
resource for the enjoyment of future generations is essential. Ideally,
management of the resource should balance the needs of different user groups,
but the welfare of the marine environment on which its inhabitants depend must
be the most important consideration." This was taken from Hawaii's own
Division of Aquatic Resources,effect%20on%20nearshore%20fish%20populations.
What is
ocean noise?
"Ocean noise refers
to sounds made by human activities that can interfere with or
obscure the ability of marine animals to hear natural sounds in the
Many marine organisms rely
on their ability to hear for their survival. Sound is a highly efficient means
of communication underwater and is the primary way that many marine species
gather and understand information about their environment. Many aquatic animals
use sound to find prey, locate mates and offspring, avoid predators, guide
their navigation and locate habitat, as well as to listen and communicate with
each other.
Over the last century,
human activities such as shipping, recreational boating, and energy exploration
have increased along our coasts, offshore, and deep ocean environments. Noise
from these activities can travel long distances underwater, leading to increases
and changes in ocean noise levels in many coastal and offshore habitats.
These rising noise levels
can negatively impact ocean animals and ecosystems. Higher noise levels can
reduce the ability of animals to communicate with potential mates, other group
members, their offspring, or feeding partners. Noise can also reduce an ocean
animal's ability to hear environmental cues that are vital for survival,
including those key to avoiding predators, finding food, and navigating to
preferred habitats."
Chesapeake Bay has a foundation that is trying to save its bay due to runoff pollution caused by developments. Chesapeake Bay is a lot bigger than
Keauhou Bay. If it's being drastically hurt by runoff water from
developments, Keauhou Bay waters won't stand a chance if development above the
bay is allowed. Keauhou Bay is a much smaller ecosystem.
Article is by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Saving a National Treasure states, "...runoff is a significant source of harmful
nitrogen pollution that continues to grow…
As rainwater and snowmelt
run off our streets, parking lots, lawns, and other surfaces, they pick up pet
waste, pesticides, fertilizer, oil, and other contaminants. If the draining
water doesn’t evaporate or soak into the ground where it can be filtered, it
flushes straight into local creeks, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay, adversely
affecting water quality and aquatic life.
Only 10 to 20 percent of
rain that falls in forests, fields, and other natural areas runs off, with the
rest absorbed by soil and plants, where it is filtered before reaching aquifers
or local waterways. (Right now Keauhou Bay has a lot of trees and is very
natural, this is what helps stop runoff.) By contrast, close to 100 percent of
the rain that falls on concrete and other hard surfaces produces
runoff. One inch of rain falling on an acre of hardened surface produces
27,000 gallons of runoff.
Stormwater runoff
pollution threatens Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams…Polluted runoff
is one of the most harmful sources of pollution to the Bay and its waters. And
much of it starts right in the urban and suburban neighborhoods where we live.",them%20are%20placed%20in%20jeopardy.
If that is what runoff is
doing to the Chesapeake Bay, the effects of runoff will be even more
devastating to Keauhou Bay due to its size and fragility.
The impact of this development on coral, marine life, plankton, and especially zooplankton will be devastating!
The studies below show
that developments kill coral and marine life. Zooplankton are part of this
marine life, and they are also killed and negatively affected. Zooplankton are
food for manta rays. Manta rays are in Keauhou Bay every night to eat zooplankton and are often seen here during the day as well.
Allowing this bay
to develop will also be a death sentence for many types of marine life, including plankton. There is NO WAY to stop this from happening due to the fact that
polluted runoff rainwater from developments can't be fully stopped. This has
been shown to happen in ALL coastal developments.
Please read the Scientific
articles below.
Been Proven Developments Severely Pollute Nearby Waters
An article by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, AKA NOAA, states, "Coral Bleaching
is occurring more frequently in Hawai'i. Across the Hawaiian Archipelago, coral
bleaching has increased in frequency and severity since 1996. The last
major bleaching event in 2014-2015 had catastrophic Impacts state-wide…
This was the third major
bleaching episode in Hawaiʻi over the last 6 years. The frequency of these
events is unprecedented in the archipelago. NOAA scientists and partners have
determined that the key drivers of the bleaching were environmental factors (such
as heat stress, depth, and surface light) and human impacts (sewage effluent
and urban run-off). ",had%20catastrophic%20impacts%20state%2Dwide.
article is by the Coral Reef Alliance here in Hawai'i. "An ecosystem under threat Hawaiʻi’s reefs
face major global and local threats including climate change, overfishing, and
sediment and nutrient pollution caused by sewage and stormwater runoff...
When it rains, flash
floods carry stormwater and large amounts of sediment downstream to the ocean.
Just offshore, once-thriving coral reefs are now struggling to
This article states
that runoff is a leading source of coral degradation. An article by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, AKA NOAA, states, "Land-based sources of
pollution are a leading cause of coral reef degradation in the Main Hawaiian
Islands. Water quality is impacted by urban runoff, failing sewage systems,
unpaved roads, farms, land clearing, and development."
This article is a Research
Article by PLOS ONE, whose motto is, "We're driving change in research
integrity and publication ethics." This is some of their article
information, "Coral taxonomy and local stressors drive bleaching
prevalence across the Hawaiian Archipelago in 2019...
We found
little evidence for acclimation by reefs to thermal stress in the main Hawaiian
Islands. Moreover, our findings illustrate how detrimental effects of
local anthropogenic stressors, such as tourism and urban run-off, may be
exacerbated under high thermal stress. In light of the
forecasted increase in severity and frequency of bleaching events, future
mitigation of both local and global stressors is a high priority for the future
of corals in Hawai‘i."
The coral all over Hawai'i
has had extremely high mortality rates due to developments near ocean areas
throughout the years, and development in Keauhou Bay will be devastating to the
coral, reef fish, and all aquatic life there. Manta Rays need to eat 5
times their body weight in zooplankton daily. Their population will be severely
affected should the plankton die. Please see the cited information below.
two hundred thousand, give or take a few thousand.
That is the number of
plankton pieces a ten-foot manta ray must consume weekly to stay alive."
The above information was
taken from Manta Ray Advocates
Developments negatively impact coral reefs because,
"Impacts from land-based sources of pollution including coastal
development,...can impede coral growth and reproduction, disrupt overall
ecological function, and cause disease and mortality in sensitive species.",and%20mortality%20in%20sensitive%20species.
Article by Environmental
Evidence, "Coastal development and runoff lead to sedimentation,
which directly impacts coral recruitment, growth, mortality, and ecosystem
services that coral reefs provide.",services%20that%20coral%20reefs%20provide.
Developments can't fully
stop polluting because runoff is from rain during development and after.
An article by NOAA states, "One of the most significant threats to reefs is
pollution. Land-based runoff and pollution discharges can result from
dredging, coastal development…This runoff may contain sediments, nutrients,
chemicals, insecticides, oil and debris.
When some pollutants enter
the water, nutrient levels can increase, promoting the rapid growth of algae
and other organisms that can smother coral.",organisms%20that%20can%20smother%20corals.
Another article by
NOAA, "Coral reefs also are affected by leaking fuels,
anti-fouling paints and coatings, and other chemicals that enter the water…
(All of those are show up in every development project.)
the most damaging pollutants on coral reefs is sediment, which can remain
suspended in the water or be deposited on the coral surface (i.e., turbidity
and sedimentation, respectively) and can contain toxicants, pathogens, and
nutrients, all of which impact coral growth, recruitment, and survival",into%20the%20atmosphere%20within%20days.
Been Proven Resort Developments KILL Marine Life
This article by Marin BIO
states, "Zooplankton are also sensitive to their environment and
like phytoplankton—a change in zooplankton concentration can indicate a subtle
environmental change. Zooplankton are highly responsive to nutrient
levels, temperatures, pollution, food that is not nutritious, levels of light,
and increases in predation. As well as providing an
essential link in the marine food chain (which is an understatement), the
diversity of species, amount of biomass and abundance of zooplankton
communities can be used to determine the health of an ecosystem...
Here is another article
that shocking shows that in a very short time, big changes can occur due to
runoff. A development will hurt and kill plankton, by Frontiers
in Marine Science, "Effects of an experimental terrestrial
runoff on the components of the plankton food web in a Mediterranean coastal
lagoon The main result observed in the present study was that the effects
of the simulated terrestrial runoff spread along the plankton food web,
significantly affecting all trophic levels of the natural plankton community
studied. This occurred in a relatively short time considering that the
experiment lasted less than three weeks. The lower light availability
in the terrestrial runoff treatment compared to the control resulted in a net
decrease of approximately one-third of Chl-a concentration and
phytoplankton abundance over the entire experiment."
As stated in this article, the ecosystem is fragile and interconnected: ”Zooplankton are also affected by levels of pH, heavy
metals, calcium, and aluminum. Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus will
affect the prey of zooplankton (like algae, protozoa and bacteria), indirectly
affecting zooplankton survival. Scientists are still putting together pieces of
the zooplankton puzzle. Some questions include how nutrient levels found in
algae can influence the growth and behavior of zooplankton. Another question
important to marine and human life is how toxins and pollution will affect this
crucial link in the food chain" This information is in article by
A research article
by the Environmental Research Laboratory, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency that discusses, "Toxic Effects of Pollutants on
Plankton: There are four main sources of aquatic pollution: industrial
wastes, municipal wastes, agricultural run-off, and accidental spillage. Non-point
sources, such as automobile exhausts, add appreciable amounts of pollutants to
air that may enter aquatic systems in rainfall or dry fall-out. These sources
add pesticides, heavy metals, oil, petroleum products, and a large number of
organic and inorganic compounds to water. Lakes and oceans serve as sinks for
many pollutants. Plankton comprise a large portion of the living matter in
natural waters and function in biogeochemical cycles. They are affected by
pollutants, transfer them to sediments and other organisms, and function in
their biological transformation."
All the above articles
show that the development of Keauhou Bay WILL hurt plankton life and marine life in the bay because pollutant runoff is inevitable and unavoidable during construction and afterward. The manta ray food source will likely disappear.
This will be devastating for the manta ray populations. Furthermore, if manta
rays die or leave the area, the loss will, in turn, affect many livelihoods of locals on the island who depend on the manta ray tour for their income.
During IRONMAN, there are already thousands more people that will be on the island, and this resort will just increase the population by thousands more.
"On average, each
Ironman racer brings three people with them to the Big Island. Counting members
of the media, VIPs who come from around the globe to watch and the triathlon partners, there likely be more than 6,300 people descending on Kona..."
dissatisfaction with tourists is multifaceted: The overwhelming
majority (92%) of locals felt visitors were not educated enough on protecting
Hawaii’s natural environment and local resources; other factors include the
impact of the vacation rental industry and ignorance of the residents’ quality
of life."
are the EIS reports on human density? Below are reports that show the human
population destroys coral reefs.
"The number of people
living on the coasts has rapidly increased in recent decades, causing
significant development of coastal areas. Coastal development can negatively
impact the ocean through the destruction of coastal marine habitat and through
run-off of sediments and pollution.
-Coastal development
involves activities such as the creation of harbors, stabilization of
shorelines, and aquaculture that involve the destruction of sensitive
marine habitats such as mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds.
-Coastal development may
cause the run-off of sediments into coastal habitats, which can
smother corals or seaweeds and reduce the amount of light available for
photosynthesis. Losses of primary producers and important habitat-forming
species such as corals can negatively impact entire food webs."
The above information was
taken from the Education Development Center, INC, from their Coastal
Development page called Ocean Tracks,negatively%20impact%20entire%20food%20webs.
There is nothing
Kamehameha Schools can do to their development that can stop the guests of this
possible Bungalow Resort from going to Keauhou Bay. Human traffic WILL
seriously increase if this resort is allowed to be built, and it will negatively affect marine life. As stated in this letter in many scientific reported articles, marine life will suffer from this development.
If you allow this resort, the number of people in this bay will fully increase, and "Hawai‘i’s
recent history has shown that the state’s growing population can have an
adverse effect on nearshore fish populations. Protecting this important
resource for the enjoyment of future generations is essential. Ideally,
management of the resource should balance the needs of different user groups,
but the welfare of the marine environment on which its inhabitants depend must
be the most important consideration." This was taken from Hawaii's own
Division of Aquatic Resources,effect%20on%20nearshore%20fish%20populations.
Been Proven an Increase in Human Population Destroys Coral Reefs
If a Bungalow Resort is
allowed to be built in Keauhou Bay, it will increase human
traffic. "Easily visible trends in human population dynamics
combined with well-established and tested ecological theory give a clear,
intuitive, yet quantifiable guide to the severity of survival challenges faced
by coral reefs. Management challenges and required actions can be
clearly shown and, contrary to frequent claims, no scientific ambiguity exists
with regard to the serious threat posed to coral reefs by humankind's continued
numerical increase." This is in the article by National Library of
Medicine National center for Biotechnology Information PubMed.,to%20more%20runoff%20and%20siltation.
This article is by ABC
NEWS, "This is how tourists are destroying coral reefs in Hawaii. The
less people at a certain site, the more coral there are, the research found. The
millions of tourists who flock to the shores of Hawaii every year are wreaking havoc on its natural environment -- especially the coral reefs, which are at risk all
over the world, a new study said. The most popular coral reefs on th,e
Hawaiian islands are likely being degraded by the very visitors they attract,
according to a study published Monday in Nature Sustainability.",there%20are%2C%20the%20research%20found.&text=The%20millions%20of%20tourists%20who,world%2C%20a%20new%20study%20said.
By allowing this
development, you are stressing an already fragile Eco-system. The small
bay is currently used by many locals for boating, fishing, canoeing, paddle
boarding, snorkeling, manta night dives, surfing, and swimming. We know, and
research shows, that more people cause more damage. The area simply
cannot afford or support this development.
"Denser coastal
populations and greater wealth will lead to reef degradation by coastal
construction. Denser populations inland will lead to more runoff and
siltation. Effects of human perturbations can be explored with meta-population
theory since they translate to increases in patch-mortality and decreases in
patch-colonization (= regeneration). All such changes will result in a
habitat with overall fewer settled patches, so fewer live reefs." This
information was taken from Science Direct,to%20more%20runoff%20and%20siltation.
Another article by Nature
Sustainability, "Coral reefs and coastal tourism in Hawaii Coral
reefs are popular for their vibrant biodiversity. By combining
web-scraped Instagram data from tourists and high-resolution live coral cover
maps in Hawaii, we find that, regionally, coral reefs both attract and
suffer from coastal tourism. Higher live coral cover attracts reef
visitors, but that visitation contributes to subsequent reef degradation. Such
feedback loops threaten the highest quality reefs, highlighting both their
economic value and the need for effective conservation management."
The Island's Resources and Infrastructure CAN NOT handle another resort
Many big housing developments are currently under construction in Kailua Kona, Waikoloa
Village, Hilo, Puna, Ocean View, and Volcano. The entire Big
Island has construction projects already in progress.
"Hotel waste
management refers to all the practices and processes that hotels implement to
handle and dispose of the multiple types of waste generated on their premises. Worldwide,
hotels produce almost 300,000 tonnes of waste each year."
As of now, the Big
Island's Resources and Infrastructure are having serious negative issues and
many more developments that have been approved are not even completed as of
yet, which means our island’s resources and infrastructure will be taxed even
more severely in the near future.
Please read the below
articles that prove Big Island does not have the resources or infrastructure
for a 143-Unit Bungalow Resort Development at Keauhou Bay. On Hawai’i
Island, we are already struggling to meet the increasing need for resources and
Island Now poll No. 27 results: More than one solution needed to help extend
life of West Hawai‘i landfill
September 17, 2023
The West Hawai’i Sanitary
Landfill, the only remaining landfill on the Big Island, is forecast to reach
capacity within the next 20 to 25 years.
The West Hawai‘i landfill
became the island’s only one after the Hilo Landfill closed three years ago. It
only has about 20 to 25 years left before it can no longer be used to store
A County
commission drafts ordinance aiming to ban recyclables at West Hawai‘i landfill
By Megan Moseley September 6,
Hawai‘i County’s
Environmental Management Commission is developing an ordinance that aims to
prohibit the amount of recyclable materials ending up in the island’s only
working landfill.
During a commission
meeting on July 26, Ramzi Mansour, Hawai’i County Director of
Environmental Management, told commissioners the West Hawai‘i Sanitary
Landfill only has 20 to 25 years left before it reaches capacity.
With the Hilo Landfill
permanently closed in 2020, the clock is ticking for the island’s sole dump.
Commission chairperson Georjean Adams said it’s a good time to start looking
into solutions.
Adams said the proposed
ordinance is in its early stages and is more about getting the conversation
started about how to prevent unnecessary, or recyclable items — green waste,
metals, plastics, paper, paperboard and glass — from ending up in the rubbish
dump, located off Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway in Waikōloa.
“Trying to site a new
landfill is close to impossible,” Adams said. “So what are we going to do? So I
was looking around, and the commission agreed, to look deeply into the idea of
diverting the recyclables out and at least slow the filling up of the landfill.”
The proposed ordinance
refers to the 2019 Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan that commits the
county to “divert, as much as feasible, commercial and municipal solid waste,
including but not limited to green waste, metals, plastics, paper, paperboard,
and glass to help achieve goals related to climate resiliency, renewable
energy, sustainable agriculture, and zero waste.”
Up For Landfills
‘Gentle’ demolition
strategies can help preserve resources
PAULA BENDER April 2, 2024
As Hawai‘i government
officials grapple with the challenge of limited landfill space statewide,
federal restrictions set in place by the Environmental Protection Agency are
ruling out possible locations that were once considered for new landfills.
Hawaii Act 73 states
landfills must be located at least half a mile from residential areas; are
prohibited from being located in areas with heavy rain and steep slopes, as
well as agricultural and/or conservation lands; above aquifers; 300 feet beyond
streams; and 1,000 feet beyond the ocean.
New landfills are also now
prohibited from being created in tsunami inundation zones, 100-year flood zones
and wetlands. There are also concerns that landfills near airports will attract
birds, resulting in damage to aircraft and fatalities among pilots and
The City & County of
Honolulu is in the process of identifying its next landfill and it doesn’t want
one any bigger or more active than absolutely necessary.
Conditions On Hawaiʻi Island Prompt Water Supply Message
by Big Island Video News
on Oct 5, 2023 at 3:59 pm
(BIVN) – With
moderate to severe drought conditions being reported across Hawaiʻi island,
local water department officials issued a statement this week on the need for
customers to use drinking water wisely.
Most of Hawaiʻi island is
under “Moderate Drought” conditions, according to the latest information from the U.S. Drought Monitor. There is an area under “Abnormally Dry” conditions in
South Kona, however there are other, small pockets on the Big Island that are
under “Severe Drought”. There is even a small spot of “Extreme Drought” in the
South Point area of Kaʻū.
“The National Weather
Service’s forecast calls for the existing drought conditions to expand over the
entire island and intensify over the upcoming months due to the ongoing El Niño
event,” reported the Hawaiʻi County Department of Water Supply. “Peak dryness
is expected to occur from around January through February 2024. The El Niño
event will likely persist well into spring 2024.”
From a
Water Supply news release:
is "on the verge of a greater catastrophe," locals say, as water
crisis continues
By Li Cohen
Updated on: April 11, 2024
/ 8:23 AM EDT / CBS News
And recent years
have seen compounding problems: less rain, leading to significant droughts, and
repeated jet fuel leaks and PFAS chemical spills contaminating water systems.
All of this significantly limits available water use for locals, many of whom
say tourism is only worsening the situation. Just months ago, the world's largest surfing wave pool opened up on the island — filled with freshwater.
"They're not using it
to drink or to support life, they're using it to make money. They're
commodifying it," said Healani Sonoda-Pale, who is Native Hawaiian and a
member of advocacy group O'ahu Water Protectors. "… We are on the verge of
a greater catastrophe."
are in a water crisis, that
has to be made very clear," Wayne Tanaka,
director of Sierra Club of Hawai'i, told CBS News, saying that if the reasons
for this crisis aren't soon addressed, "We may come to a point where
we have to decide … who gets water and who doesn't."
Because this is an island,
parts need to be shipped. The power plant currently has generators that are not
working, and because of this (and other reasons), the Big Island needs to
seriously conserve power so that everyone will have power. If this problem
of shipping parts can happen once, it can and will happen again.
HELCO asks for continued energy conservation
16, 2024 PUBLISHED 9:05 AM ET APR. 15, 2024
HILO, Hawaii — Hawaiian
Electric continues to urge Hawaii Island customers to reduce their electricity
use to prevent the need for rolling outages.
In a news release Tuesday
afternoon, the utility stated that Monday saw a reduced demand of approximately
5 megawatts. That, combined with increased wind and solar battery storage
prevented the need for rolling blackouts on Monday. HELCO credited conservation
efforts, particularly those by large businesses and government customers, for
the reduction in electricity demand.
“We’re grateful for our
customers’ efforts to conserve electricity, especially between 5 to 9 p.m.,
when electricity us is highest, because it does make a difference,” said
Hawaiian Electric spokesperson Kristen Okinaka. “By working together, we’re
helping to ensure that enough power can be available for all customers and
prevent or minimize the impacts of rolling outages.”
Electric announced Monday afternoon that it may initiate rolling outages in
parts of Hawaii Island because of the unavailability of several generators and
lower-than-normal wind and solar resources.
In a news release, the
utility said that outages could start as early as 6:30 p.m. and rotate around
the island for 30-minute intervals. The impacted areas and the timing of the
outages will be based on wind generation and the amount of electric demand that
needs to be reduced. Individuals who are dependent on electrically powered life
support medical equipment are advised to arrange for a backup power supply.
The outages are being done
to prevent power loss to even more customers, who are all being asked to
conserve electricity throughout the month.
power supply problems continue to plague Hawaii Island
Apr 8, 2024
The company has been
facing an unusual situation with mechanical problems at three of the island's
five largest power plants while part of the largest plant undergoes an annual
overhaul. All four of these affected power plants are owned by the utility or
an affiliate of its parent company.
Also contributing to the
trouble is lower output from a geothermal plant, which has the third-largest
generation capacity on the island and is owned by an independent operator.
"This is an unusual
situation, driven mainly by the unavailability of several large generators that
have experienced mechanical problems, are at reduced output, or are undergoing
maintenance, " Hawaiian Electric said in its March
25 announcement asking customers to use less electricity, especially on
weekdays from 5 to 9 p.m.
company explained that it faces an "extremely tight " supply of power
at peak use periods, especially when
production from wind, solar and hydroelectric facilities is lower than normal.
Those sources of variable, renewable energy can supply up to 15% of electricity
needs on the island.
"Without enough
supply to meet electricity demand, the company may initiate rolling outages of
up to an hour around the island, " the March 25 announcement
Island customers urged to reduce electricity use through April
What You Need To Know
-Hawaii Island customers
may see alerts asking them to conserve energy, especially on days when there
isn’t much wind that generates up to 15% of electricity
-When alerts are issued,
Hawaiian Electric is asking customers to take immediate action to minimize
electricity use
-Even when no alerts are issued,
customers — including hotels and large retailers — are urged to reduce
electricity use as much as possible, especially between 5 and 9 p.m. on
there is not enough electricity to meet demand, Hawaiian Electric may initiate rolling outages of up
to an hour around the island
A Resort
Development WILL Increase Traffic on Already Severely Trafficked Roads.
A development with 150
rooms comes with over 150+ cars. Employees, guests, and visitors will all
have cars, plus the regular locals who go there to paddle and enjoy the bay. All this could range in over 300 cars a day because of this resort development.
The Big Island already has
a serious traffic issue due to a lack of infrastructure. This is in part due to
poor planning and, in part, due to geography challenges.
The articles below by
different NEWS companies highlight the point that many traffic issues stem from a lack of infrastructure and resources. Adding more cars to the road by building
another resort in an already stressed area will only increase the
already mounting problems with traffic.
This NEWS article by
Hawai'i News Now, "Report shows alarming surge in Hawaii Island traffic
deaths The Hawaii Police Department’s Traffic Services Section released a
new report showing a dramatic increase in both major crashes and fatal accidents
from last year.
The startling statistics
show a dramatic increase in the number of year-over-year traffic fatalities on
the Island of Hawaii, revealing major crashes are up more than 12% and traffic
fatalities are up more than 100%." Watch the video on their link below as
it is a professional report on Big Island traffic problems."
With more tourists there
will be more accidents, more traffic, and more traffic deaths. Please read this
article by KHON 2 NEWS, "Hawaii Island has most traffic fatalities
in state. This time last year Hawaii Island was at five traffic
deaths, as of April 1, 2024, they’re at 14.
Seven of which happened in
the last two weeks.
Chief Moszkowicz said the
police force is small compared to the size of the island and response times can
take 15 to 20 minutes.
don’t have the resources like in the small space of Oahu where you can saturate
an area to control speeding, that just doesn’t exist here,” he added."
traffic on the Big Island has increased drastically, and safety issues and infrastructure need to be addressed before adding more resort developments.
Please read this article
because what it says about Oahu is a mirror for Big Island. The traffic
problems they discuss are the same issues here on the Big Island, and it also gives
one Big Island example, "On the Big Island, the mayor had to issue an emergency order shutting down Waipio
Valley Road due to overuse and poor prior maintenance." This is happening
all over Big Island.
The news video below shows
aerial footage in Hilo. The footage shown is the same thing that is
happening on Alii Drive and Queen K Highway, and for all the same
reasons: All of these roads only have two lanes!
There are many developments
already being built on Alii Drive today, and more are scheduled for this
road in the near future. Alii Drive and Queen K Highway are the roads
Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort will be using if approved, and they are
already seriously congested.
These roads have the same traffic congestion as Hilo, with the same problems. Traffic is
extremely slow because the island doesn't have the infrastructure for the population that has been developed.
In addition, the concern
on Kona side is tsunami evacuations rather than lava evacuations. In this kind
of traffic, not everyone will be able to get to safer ground, especially if you
allow another resort to be developed in this area when traffic is already at a
crawl every weekday and often on weekends as well.
Here is the news article
by KITV NEWS that highlights the traffic issues discussed above:
"Hawaii Island traffic jams could have safety impact. In the event of
an evacuation, Mayor Mitch Roth acknowledges that will make the Traffic Jam up
even worse. But says, he is working with The State on a solution."
There was a crash recently
on Alii Drive (see video below). When there is an accident on Alii Drive,
it turns the already small two-lane road into only one lane that requires a
flagger to help direct traffic. Kamehameha Schools wants to add a resort on
this tiny road that will increase the traffic by hundreds of cars.
Here is the Island News
video on the crash on Alii Dr.
see from these articles that traffic on the Big Island is deadly already, and adding
another resort will devastate the island and the marine life that live in the bay.
A motorcyclist is in
critical condition after a collision with a car. A driver accidentally hits and
kills a pedestrian. It seems that not a day goes by without the news reporting
on a traffic crash on Hawai’i Island...
Here are some other
statistics that are even more staggering:
-28% of roadside crashes
were the result of someone leaving the roadway and going into barriers or trees
-13% of pedestrians hit at
20 mph actually suffer a fatality
-73% of pedestrians hit at
40 mph suffer fatality
-25% of fatal crashes were
the result of distracted driving… So PLEASE put those cell phones away and pay
attention to the road!
-56% of fatal crashes were
the result of alcohol or drugs
-41% of fatal crashes
occurred in light trucks and vans
-49% of crashes occur
during the day, outside of peak traffic hours
-Of all the crash
fatalities, most were males between 20 to 24-years old.
just Big Island traffic” is a common
sentiment. But what if we didn’t have to accept this endangerment of vehicle
drivers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians as a way of life?"
This was taken from
Hawaii Deals with Burgeoning Waste Management Problem
As landfills face closure
and waste-to-energy projects stall, various counties in Hawaii are dealing with
waste management issues. Waste360 Staff January 10, 2020
“Hawaii Island is in the
enviable position of having a landfill with anywhere from 20 to 100 years of
capacity left to take in trash. But the island still wrestles with significant
issues like plastic products that are no longer being recycled.”
"Big Island Now readers seem to agree that there’s likely no single solution for slowing down the timeline
of the West Hawai‘i Sanitary Landfill reaching capacity.
The West Hawai’i Sanitary
Landfill, the only remaining landfill on the Big Island, is forecast to reach
capacity within the next 20 to 25 years."
Hawaii Island Has Decades of Landfill Space But Still Faces Challenges In Dealing With Its Waste Hawaiʻi Public Radio
Published January 9, 2020 at 5:00 AM HST
“Hawaii Island is in the
enviable position of having a landfill with anywhere from 20 to 100 years of
capacity left to take in trash. But the island still wrestles with significant
issues like plastic products that are no longer being recycled.
For the past four decades,
trash from the East side of Hawaii Island has been dumped in a landfill outside
of Hilo. But now trash from all parts of the island is being trucked to a
facility north of Kona.”
happens to Hawaii Island’s trash and recyclables? BY MICHELLE BRODER VANdyke HAWAII ISLAND PUBLISHED
11:30 AM ET DEC. 17, 2022 By Michelle Broder Vandyke Hawaii Island PUBLISHED
11:30 AM ET Dec. 1The future of the landfill
The West Hawaii Landfill
will be full in about 20 years. Finding a location for the next landfill is a
concern, according to the DEM officials. They said it will be challenging to
find a location for a future landfill because of stringent regulations and
costs related to planning, environmental regulations, design and construction
that will take many years to complete. It will also require community
“The overwhelming plastic waste Hawaii visitors leave behind
By Natasha Bourlin Aug 24, 2023
Hawaii saw more than
9 million visitors last year. Those tourists’ first stops are often big-box and
convenience stores, where they buy bottled water, plastic sand toys, single-use
bodyboards, noodles, floaties and inner tubes for their trips.”
6) “A
County commission drafts ordinance aiming to ban recyclables at West Hawai‘i landfill By Megan Moseley September
6, 2023 · 1:00 AM HST
* Updated September 6, 2023 · 2:02 PM
Hawai‘i County’s
Environmental Management Commission is developing an ordinance that aims to
prohibit the amount of recyclable materials ending up in the island’s only
working landfill.”
7) ”
Hawai‘i County issues mandatory 25% water restriction for North Kona August 7, 2023 · 5:21 PM HST
A mandatory 25% water
restriction has been issued for various communities in North Kona due to the
failure of the Honokōhau Deepwell over the weekend.”
“Hawaiʻi Water Supply Closely Monitored As Severe Drought Continues by Big Island Video Newson Nov 6, 2023 at
HAWAIʻI COUNTY - Officials
say a special focus will be placed on the South Kohala Water System, which is
more susceptible to drought conditions.”
9) “Big
Island Concerns About Water Quality Prompt A Lawsuit
Over A Kona Sewage Plant Kealakehe sewage plant discharges more than 1 million
gallons of wastewater into a lava pit near the ocean. By Paula Dobbyn /
February 6, 2024
Settlement talks are
scheduled in an environmental lawsuit involving a county-operated Big Island
sewage plant in Kona.”
“Researchers find sewage from an oceanfront Big
Island community reaches nearshore waters Hawaiʻi Public Radio | By Russell
Subiono, Sophia McCullough Published December 20, 2021 at 5:56 PM HST
There are nearly 50,000
cesspools on the Big Island, with tens of thousands posing a risk to water
resources, according to the Hawaiʻi Department of Health.”
11) ”Kona coast faces stark wastewater tradeoffs, Current
There are approximately
88,000 cesspools across the state, releasing more than 200,000 cubic meters of
wastewater per day to the environment.
We ask that you start
figuring out how this can never happen again? These are the kind of issues that
need to be resolved before you approve more development.
"HELCO restores power after initiating emergency outages on Big Island by: Elizabeth 'Ufi Posted: Jan 30, 2024
/ 09:43 AM HST Updated: Jan 30, 2024 / 04:15 PM HST
An unexpected loss of
several large Hawaii Electric generators left some residents on Big Island
without power for parts of the morning on Tuesday, Jan. 30."
Hawai'i State News Update: Hawaiian Electric initiates rolling outages throughout Big Island February 13,
2024 · 5:23 PM HST
* Updated February 14, 2024 · 4:21 PM
The emergency outages are
being initiated in various areas around the entire island to prevent loss of
power to an even greater number of customers. The timing and extent of the
outages will depend on the amount of demand on the system and the availability
of generators.”
HELCO issues rolling power outages around Big Island by: Emily Cervantes Posted: Feb 13, 2024 / 05:11 PM
HST Updated: Feb 13, 2024 / 09:12 PM HST Hawaiian Electric initiated
rolling outages for Big Island after several large generators became
unavailable and reduced output Tuesday night.”
"Here's how power outages can have repercussions for Hawaiʻi's water supply Hawaiʻi Public Radio | By
Savannah Harriman-Pote
Published February 13, 2024 at 10:59 AM HST
Water departments on Oʻahu
and Hawaiʻi Island have advised customers to conserve water ahead of possible
storm-related power outages this month.
But what does the power
grid have to do with the water supply?
It is impossible to
separate Hawaiʻi's power system from its water system, said Kawika Uyehara,
deputy director of Hawaiʻi County's Department of Water Supply."
16) US
Hawaii is "on the verge of a greater catastrophe," locals say, as water crisis continues
By Li Cohen
Updated on: April 11, 2024
/ 8:23 AM EDT / CBS News
In Hawaii, one of the most
important sayings is ola i ka wai, "water is life" — a phrase that
not only sums up what it means to exist on an island, but what it means to
live, period. But now, one of the largest of the island chain's land masses is
facing a triple threat to its sole freshwater source, and if it isn't addressed
soon, one community member says, "We're in deep trouble."
17) News Hawai‘i County
issues mandatory 25% water restriction for North Kona
August 7, 2023 · 5:21 PM HS
A mandatory 25% water
restriction has been issued for various communities in North Kona due to the
failure of the Honokōhau Deepwell over the weekend.
Hawaiʻi Water Supply Closely Monitored As Severe Drought Continues
by Big Island Video News
on Nov 6, 2023 at 3:28 pm
(BIVN) – With an ongoing
drought on the island of Hawaiʻi, the Hawaiʻi County Department of Water Supply
says it is closely monitoring its 23 public water systems, with a “special
focus” placed on the South Kohala Water System.
This is a map of Power
Outages on the Big Island. This map wouldn't have been created if Power Outages
were not a problem.
Please give Tax Breaks to all homes that provide solar and/or wind turbines to there homes to help with
power issues on the island.
"Hawaiian Electric is reporting that several large generators on the Big Island are experiencing a range of issues and
may lead to the need for rolling outages if supply does not meet demand."
“Hawaiian Electric asking Big Island customers to conserve power due to down generators
March 25, 2024 · 11:49 AM
According to the utility
company, this is an usual situation as the large generators are experiencing
mechanical problems resulting in a reduced output. The largest generator, an
independent power producer that sells electricity to Hawaiian Electric, is offline
with significant mechanical issues.
The plant generates 60
megawatts or nearly one-third of the typical peak demand of 180 megawatts on
the island."
All the articles above
show that a resort development will further deplete and stress resources and
infrastructure on an island already struggling. Years of new development have already been approved but not completed. It is not
responsible or prudent to continue to develop this resort under these current
The Law
of the Splintered Paddle
Hawaiian history tells us
that young Kamehameha was once an aggressive chief. The story goes that the
young chief even chased after two fishermen in a Puna fishing village. While
pursuing them, his foot got stuck in a crevice, and one of the fishermen struck
Kamehameha over the head with his paddle in defense, which splintered into
After the incident,
Kamehameha recognized that it was wrong to misuse his power and learned
compassion. Years later, Kamehameha declared a new law “Ke Kānāwai Māmalahoe”
or “the Law of the Splintered Paddle.” Meant to protect the innocent and
vulnerable from unprovoked attacks, this law proclaimed that the defenseless,
especially kupuna and keiki, be able to sleep safely on the side of the road,
The law provided for the
safety of non-warriors during wartime and became the first written law of the
Kingdom of Hawai‘i. After being added back in 1978, the law is part of
Hawaii’s State Constitution today.
It is symbolic of servant
leadership, reinforcing the importance of:
-Caring for and serving
one’s people
-Knowing and doing what is
pono (right)
-Standing for the
principle that leadership privilege is earned
-Taking kuleana
(responsibility) for those we serve
-Doing so with compassion,
love, and respect
“We take
that to mean that anyone who uses our roadways should be able to do so without
fear of harm,” explains Tina."
The Law
of the Splintered Paddle is also on Kamehameha Schools website. The historical value of this law should be enough to
help make
Big Island roads become
safer, and not adding to the traffic and issues of our already dangerous
This development will increase the landfill on Biglandfill on Big Island Island and increase the need for water that the island doesn't have. It will also increase the need for more power when the island already has power outages because there is not enough power produced for the developments that are already here. Plus, the road they want to use does not have the infrastructure for all the traffic that is here already.
The articles cited in this
letter, many by some of the most esteemed scientists in the world, show with
clarity that allowing this development is going to cause devastating, lasting effects on the Eco-system in Keauhou Bay and "The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA or "The Act"; 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.) is the primary law in the United States for protecting and conserving imperiled species. Designed to protect critically imperiled species from extinction as a "consequence of economic growth and development untampered by adequate concern and conservation", the ESA was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on December 28, 1973. The Supreme Court of the United States described it as "the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered species enacted by any nation".[1]"
This location, currently
acting as a natural filter, is especially vulnerable due to having a golf
course on one side and a natural treasure like Keauhou Bay on the other. This land MUST be conserved to keep Keauhou Bay safe for all marine life to live there for years to come.
In addition to the natural
disaster this will cause, Hawai’i Island is already having serious
infrastructure and resource issues that have yet to be solved. These issues MUST be solved before considering another resort development on Big Island.
We need to work in harmony
with the land and the people before pushing forward with new developments,
especially in sacred and special places like Keauhou Bay, the birthplace of
King Kamehameha III. Keauhou Bay is a small, fragile Eco-system, that is
already pressured by boating, golfing, population issues, and
hotels that are all around the entire bay.
The trees that currently stand on the land that is threatened to be developed
clearly protect marine life and the environment from further damage. The
location is NOT suitable for this kind of development for both environmental
and infrastructure reasons.
The cost of what stands to
be lost is far too high to allow this to happen.
Please save Keauhou Bay's
marine life and help the island's resources by saying NO to a Bungalow Resort
built by Kamehameha Schools.
Please reject this EIS because Kamehameha Schools has NOT ACKNOWLEDGED OR ASKED thousands of Hawaiians or Hawaiian Descendants from Keauhou Bay how they feel about developing this land, Keauhou Bay.
They have asked ONLY a few families on an island that has thousands of Hawaiian people, and here is a radio video with a testimony from Kupuna Kumu Lily Kong at the end, who is a Keauhou Bay descendant, and she and her mother OPPOSE DEVELOPMENT!
Kupuna Kumu Lily Kong who was born in Keauhou Bay she states that she is against development. She also states that her mother was against development as well. Please listen to her words in her testimonial video above in Keauhou Bay. Know that this proves that descendants directly from Keahou Bay OPPOSE THIS DEVELOPMENT, and it is CULTURAL LAW THEY MUST BE HEARD AND ACKNOWLEDGED!
These laws were created, “After these legal victories, the Kohanaiki ‘Ohana worked to create a new law in the state of Hawaii to require Cultural Impact Statements along with Environmental Impact Statements for all future large-scale development. Act 50, the Cultural Impact Statement Law was adopted in 2000.”
Kupuna Kumu Lily Kong also states that there are burial grounds on the land that Kamehameha Schools wants to clear, and it is said that Kamehameha Schools has bulldozed sacred land in the past and Keauhou Bay’s burial grounds MUST BE RESPECTED AND NOT DISTURBED!
Hawaiians locals have said that there were bones in the small cave that is at the base of Keauhou Bay. These burials need to take priority over a Bungalow Resort Development.
There are over 6,219 signatures as of Aug. 5th (these signatures grow daily), and these signatures are Hawaiians, locals, and tourists, and some of these Hawaiians have left comments on why they are opposing this development.
Here is the petition link with thousands of Hawaiian signatures and comments opposing Kamehameha Schools Bungalow Resort Development. Please read these signatures and comments!
Please reject this EIS because under Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s Will, it states Kamehameha Schools are her trustees, and they have a “fiduciary duty” to do what is best for THEIR BENEFICIARIES (the Hawaiian people’s) and a Bungalow Resort is BEST FOR TOURISTS NOT THE HAWAIINA PEOPLE BECAUSE THOUSANDS OF HAWAIIAN PEOPLE SINGED THE ABOVE PETITION OPPOSING KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS BUNGALOW RESORT.
Please reject this EIS because the Big Island DOES NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES TO PROVIDE ANOTHER BIG RESORT on the island, and there are 445 signatures with many comments that agree with this fact because of the factual reported articles in the Help Prioritize Big Island Developments to Keep Island's Resources Safe for ALL petition. Please read this petition, all the signatures, and comments