Why Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop Founded Kamehameha Schools

Click Kamehameha Schools link to read Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Will. Kamehameha Schools information is located in number thirteen https://www.ksbe.edu/about-us/about-pauahi/will. 
My interpretation:
Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Will states  in number Thirteen, fourth paragraph down, "desire my trustees to provide first and chiefly a good education in the common English branches, and also instruction in morals and in such useful knowledge as may tend to make good and industrious men and women; and I desire instruction in the higher branches to be subsidiary to the foregoing objects.
For the purposes aforesaid I grant unto my said trustees full power to lease or sell any portion of my real estate...not to exceed however one-half of the fund which may come into their hands, in the purchase of suitable premises, the erection of school buildings... expend the annual income in the maintenance of said schools..."  https://www.ksbe.edu/about-us/about-pauahi/will  
The Princess's Will States "A good education" was to be the trustees (Kamehameha Schools) "first and chiefly" concern and this site shows the state of Hawai'i is 49th in the country for education with a D+ Overall rating   https://www.alecreportcard.org/state/ and Hawaiʻi has been on the low end of the national education ranking for years..
The Princess's words "For the purposes aforesaid" means she granted her trustees full power to lease or sell...to have money to educate and support her Hawaiian people because that is what she stated was the reason why she endowed the land to her trustees. The Hawaiian people she stated were to be her beneficiaries and to be fully educated through the support of the endowed lands.
The Last Will and Testament of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Mr. Bishop states, "The improvement of young Hawaiians was an object and desire constantly near to the heart of the founder of the Schools. ...these schools were provided for, in which Hawaiians have the preference, and which she hoped they would value and take the advantage of as fully as possible…"   https://kaiwakiloumoku.ksbe.edu/article/heritage-center-the-last-will-and-testament-of-bernice-pauahi-bishop
Their Princess's exact words in her WILL, "desire my trustees to provide first and chiefly a good education... For the purposes aforesaid I grant unto my said trustees full power to lease or sell..." This states the land is to be used to educate the Hawaiian people and help support them if needed and I've seen native Hawaiian kids living in campgrounds because their parents never received an education.
"The Princess's Will distinctly states that: "To devote a portion of each year's income to the support and education of orphans, and others in indigent circumstancesGIVING THE PREFERENCE TO PURE OR PART ABORIGINAL BLOOD"   https://www.moolelo.com/ks-willbetter2.html 
I was told by Hawaiian people who graduated from Kamehameha Schools that their parents couldn't find grants for kids to go to school. They could only find grants after they graduated and paid a tuition to go to their high school, and Princess Pauahi Bishop's Will states Kamehameha Schools are to provide education for the Hawaiian people using the endowed lands profits.
How can orphans and indigent kids go to school if they can't find grants and their aren't any schools for them to just walk in and go to school?
Supporting and educating these kids is why Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop created Kamehameha Schools and it states this in her Will that is what was to be the trustees (managers) "First and Chiefly" concerns. It's why they received the edowed land.
Marissa Harman with Kamehameha Schools told me they plan to give "Full Access" to ALL their Endowed Hawaiian lands to the high end tourist guests who stay in their bungalow resort they want to develop in Keauhou Bay, to educate these tourists in Hawaiian culture because it's the perk they want to offer tourists for staying in their bungalow resort and yet native Hawaiians don't seem to have "Full Access" to their endowed lands and not all of the Hawaiian people can go to Kamehameha Schools because they can't afford their school tuition.
Kamehameha Schools Endowment was valued at 14.7 Billion in 2021 per this Google Financial 
Kamehameha Schools are the trustees (managers). They have a "fiduciary duty" to act in the best interests of their beneficiaries, the Hawaiian people, and to give a good education to their beneficiaries.

Per the Hawaiian's Princess's Will the land was to be used to educate, and support Hawaiian people who are in "indigent circumstances" so they could be fully educated. It's the reason the land was endowed to Kamehameha Schools, it's NOT Kamehameha Schools land. They are the manages of these lands. The Hawaiian people are the one's who are suppose to benefit the most from the profits of the land through education and support to be educated if needed because they ARE THE PRINCESS'S BENEFICIARIES AND THIS IS WHAT IS STATED IN HER WILL.

"Duty of Loyalty:  Generally speaking, a trustee cannot have their interests conflict with those of the trust (e.g. engaging in business that competes with the trust).  A trustee is also prohibited from transacting business with the trust where the trustee may benefit directly or indirectly." This info is on this site   https://www.sklslaw.com/blog/duties-of-trustees-in-hawaii-explaining-trustees-duties.
"What Is a Beneficiary? 
A beneficiary is a person (entities) who is designated to receive the benefits of property owned by someone else. Beneficiaries often receive these benefits as part of an inheritance." This info was taken from this site.   https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/beneficiary.asp
Click here to learn 20 ways your Trustee can be breaching their Fiduciary Duties because it is the trustees, Kamehameha Schools, responsibility to put the best interests of their beneficiaries, the Hawaiian people, first and honor what Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop wanted in her Will and that is to provide a "good education" for the Hawaiian people.
Has this been happening?
"A trustee typically has the most control in running their trust. They are granted authority by their grantor to oversee and distribute assets according to terms set out in their trust document, while beneficiaries merely reap its benefits without overseeing its operations themselves." Click here to see the site this came from.
"Right to Enforce the Trust: If the trustee isn't managing the trust properly or isn't making the required distributions, you have a right to enforce the terms of the trust. This might involve going to court to compel the trustee to fulfill their duties or even to remove them and appoint a new trustee." This information was taken from this link.
I am happy to help support any Hawaiian who wants to stand with Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's WILL and start the "Right to Enforce the Trust" which is the right to a good education for all the Hawaiian people, even the indigent people because I've seen native Hawaiian kids living in campgrounds because their parents weren't properly educated and now they are not being supported or properly educated either.
I can create a website for this endeavor and support you anyway I can. Email me at bigislandtalk@gmail.com.